What is this roo that came with my comet hens?


6 Years
Jun 28, 2013
I bought 10 comet pullets in the spring at about 4 weeks of age off of craigslist and I quickly realized one was not like the others. The guy i bought them from said they purchased a 100 chicks from Mt. Healthy. He was much larger than the rest by the time he was 8 weeks old. I think he is good looking and will probably hatch some of his and the comet eggs in the spring. Any idea what he is? Thanks.

He's a hatchery Rhode Island red.

chicks from him and the comets should be mostly red with some white popping up. They'll make nice layers and decent table birds.
Yep! We got one from a "rare breed" assortment. :eyeroll: He is 5 mo, and makes these weird baaaaaaaawk noises lol
Well, it is pretty much the only noise he makes, lol! When he wants food, when we have food, when he thinks we have food, when he is just talking, when he wants the coop open so he can be free, etc.

He sometimes clucks, but mostly just says a deep, throaty "baawwwaaaaawk!" In very slightly different pitch and length. Generally if he says anything else, its a surprised, short sound because he got thrown off a pullet to the ground and landed on his face. Very rarely anything but that deep noise. I can get him to say it back to me if I do it to him.

I don't know, he is the only one we have so I figured the breed just has weird noises somehow and thought I'd mention it. I learned something today! We have a strange cockerel. Big shock there! Hahaha.

my rooster does that it is a danger call i believe.

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