What is this toreador dance?


12 Years
Mar 12, 2012
I just received a bantam rooster--serama and lavendar combo who does this funny little toreador dance in an attempt to woo the ladies. He puts one wing spread along the ground and dances sideways towards them. what is this and is it common in all roosters or just one of these breeds?
It's just a thing roosters do. All the roosters I've had have done that (mix breed, Black Australorp, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Delaware, and Silkie).
As I understand it, it is indeed just what you said - an attempt to "woo" the hens. Harvey Ussery of The Small Scale Poultry Flock writes that he tries to select (in breeding) for this behavior. The idea is that cockerels that get the hens to actually submit to mating will make for a gentler act, compared to the cockerels (which most of our hatchery stock have been) that tend to leap at a hen, grab their neck with their beak, slam them to the ground and copulate...you get an idea of the difference!
It is first a threat display. Response of target can make so part of courtship, a reason to be submissive, or prelude to a fight. Hen ready to mate will bow down and spread wings. Submissive bird wil collapse tail and cut backwards to go opposite direction of displayer. Aggressive bird will stand ground and up with expanded feathers and usually be facing in same general direction of displayer. Listen to displayer and same sounds will be made as a generally aggressive bird makes.

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