What is wrong with my little Maren Hen?


11 Years
Nov 30, 2012
Salt Lake City, Utah
Over the past three days my little pullett Maren hen has basically started to lose strength and become listless. She’s about four months old, and at two months I had to treat her for coryza (antibiotics, removal of hard exudate in eye socket; see my December posts about this) and since then she has thrived. But this week she started favoring her right leg and now barely puts any weight on it; in fact, she seems like she falls over easily. I checked her foot and I didn’t see anything that looks like bumble foot; no swelling, no deformities, she’s eating and drinking well, no cough or wheezing or other upper respiratory symptoms. It doesn’t seem as though her foot/leg has a problem but her thigh does feel warm. She is still in her own space apart from the other chickens for a couple more months so I can make sure she doesn’t have anything infectious. It’s a warm space with lots of straw and a heat lamp overhead. Any thoughts? She has feathers on her outer claws both feet which makes me wonder if she has a genetic defect involving her feet.

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Well, shoot, I hate to say this, but Matek’s cones to mind. BTW, I love that she is friends with the cat!

I would examine her all over. In particular, check her crop function and her belly (fluffy butt) for bloat. She hasn’t started laying yet, right? What do you feed your birds? Can you take a fecal sample in for a float test? At this point, it could be anything, so good to rule out the most common or easy to diagnose things first.
Over the past three days my little pullett Maren hen has basically started to lose strength and become listless. She’s about four months old, and at two months I had to treat her for coryza (antibiotics, removal of hard exudate in eye socket; see my December posts about this) and since then she has thrived. But this week she started favoring her right leg and now barely puts any weight on it; in fact, she seems like she falls over easily. I checked her foot and I didn’t see anything that looks like bumble foot; no swelling, no deformities, she’s eating and drinking well, no cough or wheezing or other upper respiratory symptoms. It doesn’t seem as though her foot/leg has a problem but her thigh does feel warm. She is still in her own space apart from the other chickens for a couple more months so I can make sure she doesn’t have anything infectious. It’s a warm space with lots of straw and a heat lamp overhead. Any thoughts? She has feathers on her outer claws both feet which makes me wonder if she has a genetic defect involving her feet
For some reason, I get an error when I click on your photos. Can you re-load them. I can't see anything of the feet.
This may help?

I'm sorry that she is not doing well.
Is Maren her name or is her breed a Marans? If she is a Marans, then she can have feathered legs/feet. Is there something wrong with the feathers coming in?

You have likely read all you can about Infectious Coryza and know that is makes the bird a carrier for life. They can become symptomatic over and over, they can also pass the disease on to other birds. An illness like this can make birds much more susceptible of getting sick from other conditions and illnesses.
I agree it could be Marek's, for which there is no cure, just like there is no cure for Infectious Coryza. The best you can do manage /treat symptoms.

You don't mention what you feed, but I would keep her on chick starter or an all flock feed. Offer her poultry vitamins that contain E, A, B1, B2. Encourage her to eat and drink.

If you happen to lose her, sending the body for testing at your state lab would give you some answers.

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