What is you favorite way?


Apr 14, 2019
South Central PA
What is your favorite way to eat your eggs our wonderful chickens or ducks "poop" for us? I love scrambled eggs, but this morning I am having dippy eggs and toast. I make quiches, omelettes, hard boiled. poached and casseroles with them. I also freeze about 6 dozen for the winter months.

Is there a bad way to eat eggs?
No bad way to eat eggs. My wife makes the best deviled eggs on the planet.
I love sopping up runny yolk but sadly, I quit eating bread. I always made either soft boiled or poached eggs. Now I grill some veggies like onions, leeks, yams, asparagus and mushrooms. Then I fry some eggs over easy and let the yolk dribble into the veggies.

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