What is your chickens' favorite treat?

Mine love garden scraps: zuchini (the ones that are too big), tomatoes (over-ripe) and watermelon rinds. They also like table scraps. I have let them pick lamb bones clean. They adore cooked rice.
They will not touch eggplant. Of course, my human kids won't either...
Grapes were a big hit...Gonna try the pumpkin later today. Who knew feeding chickens would be this fun.
This may sound wierd but...My chickens like KFC LOL.... They always like to get a leg or w wing when we go there. My mom told me she was going to KFC so i brought my lil roo along and we pulled up to the drive through and the clerk was like WHAT in the World!!! I thought she was going to pass out. Just for bringing him we got a free bucket of chicken and Kernal (my roo) got a free leg from the lady
my smart ones stand under the alpaca feeders at feeding time waiting for the stray nugget to fall to the ground and they snatch it up; they like bread and occasionally I will soak it in milk first; they also like the leftover salad ends of lettuce, carrots, celery, etc., that I whir in the food processor into a finer blend and sprinkle around outside their coops; oh, and the LOVE cooked spaghetti (worm-like?)
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big zucchini, any kind of bug, anything they can find in the woods behind the house, grapes, salad leftovers...I want to try oatmeal and yogurt but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Took some oats out to the birds earlier. Shoulda known better. O big momma 'Yssa hen lorded over who got to get any! She knocked over Caydence, my 3 yr old's bowl and decided that pile was hers, and if anyone else wanted any, they were just s.o.l.
Good thing I brought out a bigger bowl, Caydence usually doesn't do well with keeping up with the demand.
My chickens love marshmellows (just tried it today.) They pecked them out of my hand.

They also liked the leftover hamburgers from McD's that the kids didn't eat. I was able to pet them and it was really exciting.
Pumpkins were a hit too. I took a pumpkin and smashed it open and at first they were afraid of it. Then they were fighting over it...Is it true that pumpkin seeds are a natural dewormer?

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