What is your chickens' favorite treat?

corn bread muffins are a huge hit with the flock. I again looked like the crazy bird lady this morning.......standing in the front yard as the school bus picked up the kids feeding the chickens corn bread muffins.....and about the time the bus pulled in 4 chickens flew up into me, one on each arm, and one on each shoulder. My poor kid...I can hear it now "OMG look at the lady with purple hair and all the chickens all over her".
Bananas! They get fresh fruit and a scratch mixture (shelled sunflower seeds, flax seeds, oats, commercial scratch and fancy wild bird food). Their favorite out of the scratch is, hands, down, the shelled sunflower seeds. They do not like the oats or the flax seeds but I figure it's good for them and maybe they will accidentally eat some.

They also love apples, watermelon and musk melon. And tomatoes. And bread. And Chinese food, apparently, since they stole it from me last night!
mine get a mix of cracked corn,sunflower seeds, and calf manna - a bit in the morning and at nght.
some like tomatoes that they steal out of the garden, bread,cooked green beans,zuchini,squash, leftover stuffing.

thats about all that they get, except for when they are let out in the evenings for an hour, and then it is whatever they can find.
macaroni and cheese, definitely! They love it! Of course I haven't found a treat they don't like....But mac and cheese seems to top the list.
Grapes are refered to as Chicken candy! I have to cut them up very small or hold on to them while they eat them or I'm afraid that someones gonna choke eating it whole!
Also, wet mash. I don't understand that, but if I have a cup of wet mash, they will pick until every last tidbit is left.
My Banties beg every morning for sunflower seeds. All of them love them . They all enjoy cooked oatmeal, peas, ground up zucchini, bread, my compost pile too! Fruits are a hit in the summer!

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