What is your chickens' favorite treat?

For one scary moment, I thought you meant you add crickets to the Julie food you cook! (That's what happens when I read too quickly!
My Girls, so far in their short 7 month lives, love red cabbage(blue poops!-easy to see not to step in!), canteloupe, yogurt, seeds inside of peppers!(odd I know), grapes.... so far..lol.
Wow... just read 'Toxic plants and their effects' linked from here:


I have been giving my Girls red cabbage, which they love. A member of the brassica family.. does that mean that broccoli and cauliflower are out too? I have read posts about folks giving brassicas and flax, which is also on the 'no-no' list.. what gives?! WHO am I to believe here? -Tom
You don't eat the skin! EEEK! And you didn't take the leftovers for lunch the next day? I do not anticipate my Delightful Dozen EVER eating MY leftover salmon - if there ever is such a thing in this house...leftover spagetti - yes - salmon no. LOL


No, I can't stand the sight of salmon skin
so it has never touched my lips. And by leftover meat, I meant the little bit that was left sticking to the skin, not a whole piece of salmon.
One of my girls tolerates oatmeal, but doesn't love it. The love rice with steamed carrots and yogurt too. But, their absolute favorite is fruit smoothies DH-to-be makes for them (can we read "spoiled"? HA HA). He blends, yogurt, fresh peaches and banana together (and whatever else we have like strawberries) and has even added fresh garlic. They LOVE it! And then they reek of garlic for a day!

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