What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

I have a couple that are friendly in different ways.. (all around 16 weeks right now so who knows how they will change personality yet) 1 is a silver wyandotte- called "Mama". She isn't so much interested in me unless my shoulder or back is accessible to her.. then she owns me! Apparently I am her pony ride! She will settle in nice while I weed or am picking something up.. at night she wants me to lean over so she can hop on and get a ride up to the higher shelf in her coop she loves(she gets up and down on her own but she is a plump little thing so I think it is easier on her). However, I am NOT allowed to touch her. Then there is Henny Penny- she is the most likely to come see me, just because she is tooo curious about everything! She is barred rock and chatters a storm to me about everything.. she seems to get bored with her flock and hunts me down for entertainment but isn't happy about being handled though if I am sitting she will press up tight against my leg and take a break. Then there is Bet-bet who is a buff. She has always been the least repulsed by our touch, but she was terribly tormented by a male guinea and in her trauma(he was determined to kill her one day) picked me over her flock for comfort and protection.. now that the male guinea is gone, she is happily back with the flock, but she always makes sure to come sit on the arm of the chair or press against my legs or lap and when she is gets frightened(separated from the flock usually she tends to wander) she will run for me and want me to carry her to find her friends.
My friendliest breed is my light Brahma
I'm currently chickenless but the friendliest bird I had was an amber link. She was like a little puppy always by my side.
Of my 4 birds, none are as friendly as I see most other people's birds being. My Barred Rock is the friendliest of them. She will walk up and look at me closely when I sit in the coop and she is the easiest to pick up. The SLW is the dominant bird in their coop and she doesn't really care if I'm in there or not, she does her own thing. The Australorpe seems really flighty to me and won't come within 2 or 3 feet of me and runs off when I stand up even if it is very slowly. The 3 youngest I got as 15-20 week pullets and they are more accepting of me than my RIR hen that I got from a friend. The "little girls" greet me at the door, but most times my RIR is pretty aggressive and even charges at me, but not my husband (who even picks her up).
My 2 barred rocks are the friendliest. Which is funny because as chicks they had no personalities at all...I was sort of "meh" about them. But I adore them both now. They honestly seem like they just like being around me. They will hop on a chair next to me in the yard and fall asleep, or jump into my lap, and one will fly onto my shoulders from the ground. One is currently living in my house due to a healing abscess so she is especially affectionate.....

My current fave is Junior, he is Blue isbar,legbar, and brama. he comes up for cuddles every morning and closes his eyes as he cuddles.
now 9 weeks.
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