What kind of pigeon is this??

I thought I would give a fun update. Chloe is indeed a female, having laid two eggs now. I moved a momma Muscovy into room with her newly hatched trio of babies and let Chloe roam free. She seems to enjoy their company. I never figured out treats, but if I coo to her, she flies to me, mostly landing on my head, but occasionally on my shoulder. She is learning to climb onto my arm, too. She is very affectionate and I am super pleased to have gotten her. :D
definitely a fantail ,
just don't know what kind of fantail
I was working with my avian vet today, who is doing research at the university. He brought a donated pigeon for his work. When he took her out of the box, I immediately felt drawn to her as she acted very calm and pet-like. We talked a bit and I was feeling very uncomfortable with the fate of this bird. Then, when doing tests before procedure, a critical machine broke, stopping the process for today. I asked what would happen now and he replied that he would have to bring her back next week to try again. He then said he could easily get another pigeon if I wanted her. So...... here I am, hanging out with a pigeon (and I know nothing about pigeons). She enjoys perching on my finger, sleeping on my chest and is super calm. I know nothing about pigeons, but this seems like it would be very unusual?

Anyone know what breed she may be?
She is a ....

Saddle Back Fantail X white pigeon (white dove / homing pigeon / garden dove).
Very beautiful!
She is DEFINITELY a Taganrog, which is one of about 50+ Russian breeds called Statnije. The Germans call them "Positure" which means "Posturing".

Don't let anyone tell you it's a Fantail cross.

Taganrogs were first imported to this country through Toronto about 20 years ago.

Your hen has a split tail (a fault), but otherwise, she is a very nice example of this breed.
Thanks for the compliments about my girl and the great picture of the Taganrog pigeon. I noticed the split tail and am not sure if that is a missing feather or a fault. She has been molting hard for the last couple of weeks and her tail is starting to come back much fuller than before. She is quite stunning to me, but of course I'm biased.
I am going to the local Taganrog breeder's home this week to get a companion for my Chloe girl. I am pretty excited to see his flock and learn more about the breed. I will be sure to post a report and pictures afterwards.
After visiting with the taganrog breeder, I am convinced my girl originally came from his stock. He is a wonderful man and takes exceptional care of his pigeons. He had many gorgeous fancy show pigeon varieties to choose from, but ultimately I got a matching juvenile boy for my girl and I'm very pleased with her reaction to him. Here they are (new boy on left).

After visiting with the taganrog breeder, I am convinced my girl originally came from his stock. He is a wonderful man and takes exceptional care of his pigeons. He had many gorgeous fancy show pigeon varieties to choose from, but ultimately I got a matching juvenile boy for my girl and I'm very pleased with her reaction to him. Here they are (new boy on left).

They are absolutely gorgeous!

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