What kinda music do y'all like?

Colleen! Dead Milkmen!!! It has been soooo long since I thought of them. Now I'll wake up in the middle of the night singing it!!
I really like all kinds of music, just not very long durations of some of it!
I am very interested in the history of country music, Something about Appalachian music,just amazes me.and bluegrass.

I beleive that music isnt music unless it is a true story from the true heart.I really look up to those people who lived away from the outside world and could provide for themselves.The only needed Jesus Christ,and the land he provided to live.That is a very honorable life to live!

and I absolutly love the sound a cryin fiddle,and a smooth sounded lap steel guitar!!All the original app. mnts people never really did any public recordings but other made that style famous my favorites are Roy Acuff,Jimmie Rogers,Bill Monroe,Ralph Stanley,uhh and there are others.Mostly hillbillly music from the teens to the 50's
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I hate trying to put a label on the music I like.
I would name bands but I'd fill up this page.

I'll try to generalize:
Metal/Classic rock/Southern rock

I've been known to listen to some bluegrass on occasion.

I don't wish to offend any body, but I HATE rap!
Get over it.
I like bluegrass at times too. Usually country stations will play bluegrass on Sundays. I HATE rap too. I guess it has something to do with my hating people calling women b****es and hoes.
I love Ralph Stanley's O Death (I know it's a traditional song, I just mean his version). They used it in O Brother, Where Art Thou? and it was awesome - kinda creepy. He sounds a little like death in that recording.
To tell you the truth the only rap i have ever heard has been on T.V. and i QUICKLY change it..It hurts my ears,not to offend anyone,but is it just music for criminals??on tv thats all it relates too?drugs alcohol,and stealing? every time they play a rap song on tv it always shows someone doing drugs,stealing,or hurting some one?Like the anti-gospel music i guess LOL

Agian i dont know it seems like rap just came out recently lol,its all new to me:)
I HATE rap too. I guess it has something to do with my hating people calling women b****es and hoes.


You just don't talk about ladies that way.
i like music, it's actually kind of a passion.

doesn't matter what kind of music, style, or tempo.

i love music, but favorites...?

well, phish tops that list, i have over 75 shows under my belt with them.

neil young
stevie wonder (just got tix to boston on thursday ~ super stoked!)
chili peppers
beastie boys
jerry band
rani arbo & daisy mayhem

grace potter & the nocturnals are currently a huge favorite

billie holiday

been digging culture a lot lately
john browns body

way too many to list really. i go see & listen to live music as often as possible. i have such respect for musicians, they bring me such pure joy.
My first thought is always, Anything but Country - but I realize that I don't like other music as well. Something about Country makes me physically ill - my stomach churns. I used to think it was all in my head, then I read something about certain beats bothering people with Asperger's Syndrome. We are a house full of aspies - so it must be true. I jokingly say that country gets my chakras out of sorts.

But I do like bluegrass and some 'country-types'

Love Kate Wolf, John Denver, Folk music, Harry Chapin - gee seems like anyone who's dead.

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