What little things make you happy?

Music, nice up-beat songs. Doesn't really matter what Genre, as long as it makes me happy I'm good.

Playing Piano makes me happiest though, it gets me into my happy place, or my "zone".

Watching rain fall outside, and listening the the thunder.

Watching Ghostbusters.
That's something that always makes me happy.

Sitting with my dog, Benny, and his buddy Zoey. Ben's a German Shepard, and Zoey is a chow/lab mix.

Um, oh yeah, messing around with my chickens always makes me happier.
waking up on this side of the dirt

the egg song

hugs from my grown children

my goofy cat, even though she attacks me while I'm sleeping & when I wake I find scratches on my arms...

the smell of rain coming, fresh hay & fresh cut grass

the sound of a baby's laughter

my grandchildrens' hugs

time on BYC

thunderstorms--they're amazing

God, for giving me yet another day to do it all!
Watching snow fall
The smells of hay, horses, leaves, smoking meat, and books
Watching a thunderstorm roll in
Going for a walk (or ski trip lol) under a full moon
Being around my animals
Listening to my friends talk.
Listening to the winter wind howl
When there's been an ice storm or a sudden thaw then freeze, and everything outside is encased in ice. Very pretty.
The crunch sound that snow makes when you walk on it.
Being tired from working hard
Watching spiders spin their webs
Being told "Good job"
Watching the sky
Where do I start!! So many things make me happy and they are all little things!!

I especially love watching my ducks playing in their pool right after I clean it, the looks on their little faces just make me smile!

When my hubby comes up behind me and gives me a big ol' hug and a kiss on the neck when I least expect it!
Walking into TSC during "Chick Days" and hearing all the baby chicks and ducks chirping.
Waking up every morning.
Watching my dogs and chickens going about their daily routine around the yard.
Spending time with family.
Being a member of BYC.
Watching snow fall.
Driving our four wheelers through trials with family and friends.
Going out to the coop with my border collie to look for eggs.
Having my border collie contantly beside me.

A lot of little things make me happy.
This whole thread made me smile! You guys are poets and I agree with everyone.

Knowing that God has a plan for my life and all I have to do is let Him have His way. I am so BLESSED!!
A good cup of coffee on the back porch in the morning with my darling hubs ~ all seasons
The sound of peepers and the first crocus in the spring
Rain on the roof and the birds singing on a summer morning
The trees changing color and the first fire in the fireplace in the fall
The quiet of snowy days and the smell of a real Christmas tree in the winter
A belly laugh...mine or anyone else's
My 55 lb Chocolate Lab who thinks she's a lapdog
Puppy breath and my chickens

This list could really go on and on. It really is the little things in life that make it worthwhile.

May the Good Lord continue to bless each of you with all the things that make you happy and then some.
Waking up at 3AM thinking I hear hooves in my side pasture and then realizing that all horses are still safely put away and I can go back to sleep.
little things.. a peck on the cheek or forehead from my hubby or kids...
holding hands with my hubby
the smell of food cooking in my kitchen.
my childrens smiles and laughter
and chocolate

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