What makes a breed beginner friendly/not beginner friendly to hatch and raise?

I generally just judge how hardy chicks and adults are, as well as how friendly the adults are. If the chicks constantly drop like flies, amd not like most breeds do, then it's not a good breed to start with because you still haven't nailed down everything correctly.
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a breed thats calmer and on the smallish side wont make as much mess, be easier to deal with, feed, and have less impact on the yard if you roam them .. also, just the size of your operation should be considered .. more than 10 or so chickens is a 'level up' on maintainence and support required, larger coop, more feed, more cleaning, 5 gal bucket of eggs a day to deal with lol .. dont get to much going till ya know where your at more or less ..
I would say friendly, calm and healthy are good traits to help a beginner have a great initial experience

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