What makes your coop unique??

Mine is still under construction, but it will resemble an old west saloon! It has a facade to make the front look higher than it is, there will be a "hitching post" roost in front and a wooden "water trough" with sand/DE/dirt to dust bathe in. It will be decorated with "wanted" posters, etc. I'm still looking for used swinging bar doors for free or really cheap that can be fastened (not swinging) to the front.

Ok here is the first... I'm unloading off my blackberry so I hope it works.
The pics aren't the best...
Woa! Wicked cool! Not trying to push our luck here or anything, but...could you show us a pic of the outside too? Thanks for sharing!

Well we still have to get the outside siding... The tyveck is to protect all the insulation I put up! We've only put about $300 into it so far. DH is a pole barn builder and so almost all of the materials where left overs. Its gonna be red of course! He built the door and windows, its all hand made. He likes the chickens as much as me! We built a 900 sq ft run for the girls and 2 boys. Building coops is a lot of fun. We built one for my mom (4x8) whom my sister and I convinced to get chickens!

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