what name do you like the out of my choices i put up (only girl names)

because i like the not normal names, out of the ones you have i would pick star....however, i'd also consider asking her about seraphina elizabeth. that was suppose to be my daughters name. serapina is a strong name, that means fiery angel of god.

just a thought.

it's my daughters middle name now, because the bf couldn't handle it. he named her after a liquor instead, so when she is hell on wheels, it's his fault
Anna...or Bethany...I'm not sure. :eek:

As one of the MANY moms of Caitlyn/Kaitlin and any variation, I would strongly suggest staying away from it. DS had THREE Caitlyn's in his class the past two years and they were not all the same girls each year.
It also depends on where you live. Where I used to live, my Kaitlyn was the only one in her entire GRADE. However there were dozens of Maria's, Lupe's, Lupita's, etc. Even where we live now there are no others here in our little town, and not too many in the surrounding area either. I have a Kaitlyn and an Emily, so of the names on that list, I'm leaning toward Caitlin. It's always been one of my favorite names.

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