What pets do you have besides chickens? Take the poll!

What pet besides chickens do you have?

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I have one black lab/mix, I wish I knew what she was mixed with though! Any ideas?


Anyways, I have a 30 gallon aquarium, total wreck getting a complete revamp. I'll post a pic of that because it'll be brilliant. Yes O know my tank is scraping the size minimum, and yes my goldfish shouldn't be here, and yes the other fish died.
The place fell into total disrepair and only the hardiest fish remained. They're not very happy and their numbers declined till only they were left. I'm feel like a monster for letting this happen ): ): ):

Luckily I'm moving them out and getting rid of everything and bleaching it. We already have a brilliant biofilter so the equipment will just need a scrub and a cartridge change. But we will buy a heater for the tropical inhabitants. I'm using a powder and plant substrate mix for the new tank and planting a variety of plants, including my hardy java moss in the emerged setup. It will be decorated with dragon stone and driftwood and include a variety of fish and inverts. They'll all be compatible and I'll make sure not to over stock.

P.S. If anyone here has a goldfish, betta, or any aquatic in a bowl, please move it to a large tank. A Betta would be best in a 5 gal with heater and filter, and goldfish need 20 gal each but are cold water fish so only need a filter unless you have out of ordinary equipment. If you intend a large tropical community, a 30 gallon works best for them all.

Meet Scaredy Cat, but you guys can call her Scaredy. Yes, that is her name. Scaredy is the cutest ball of fluff and will tolerate anything, like me rubbing her belly, the NO zone of most cats.

She is actually a cat sculpture made of lard covered in mold. I'm kidding, but we call her lard because she's lazy and chubby, and we call her mold, um, I actually don't know why.

It all started around 8 years ago, I was really young. Two tabby kittens were in our yard on a icy February. My parents argue over who found them, but according to my dad, he fed them tuna cans until I figured out they were there. One was named Roxy, and the other Scaredy. Then we figured out Roxy was a boy, but the name stuck. They grew up in our garage, free to come and go. We brought them in, bonded with them, and now we had two pet cats. But you all know what happens when cats come and go in a neighborhood full of cats. On the day found to be pregnant. Mom and dad, not so excited. Me, THIS IS A MIRACLE!!!! The kittens were named Rocky and Brenda. Rocky was black and Brenda was white. They got so much attention, and Scaredy, the cat that just deals with it, let me pick them up and run around with them in the air. Oddly, they didn't care either. Eventually, Roxy peeked into the kitten box in the garage, and the cat mom that puts up with everything other than cats scared him off. He now lives with a neighbor we don't know well, so his status is unknown. Eventually, the kittens grew to the point Scaredy picked them up and put them in the bushes to fend for themselves. Sounds cruel, but cats do that. My dad always heard them and put them back, until he caught Scaredy in the act. Then we have the kittens away. And now, we have moldy lard.

A side story, the day Scaredy was to be declawed, my sister's fingernail came out in the door, and is had to be cancelled. Scaredy has claws to this day.

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