What rooster breed to Keep?

Which Rooster Should I keep?

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Some people like a rooster they can hold and is very nice. I prefer a rooster that doesn’t like to be held and doesn’t charge people but just watches people that come close. My rooster is just for protection not reproduction.
Yes exactly, that’s what I prefer. Either that or one that charges from young that you can teach to have respect for humans when they grow older.
The Ameraucana would allow you to have pure Ameraucana babies, and any of the EE mix babies to continue laying colored eggs.

The EE is basically a knock off version of the Ameraucana, but it is pretty much a mutt. He would mean that any eggs hatched would be Easter Eggers, but may or may not lay blue/green eggs(depending on the mom). I have also heard that EE roo’s can be hateful. I would not stick with him, honestly.

The Plymouth Rock would allow you to have pure Plymouth Rock chicks, but all others would be EE essentially.

I would go with the Ameraucana unless you don’t care about the prospect of pure breed chicks. Then I would hold off until you can tell which is the nicest to the hens and least aggressive with you. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Sorry for the long response, but hopefully that helps 😅

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