What should I do with all these Quail eggs?

Better to steam quail eggs. They'll slide right out of the shell even fresh. If you don't have a double boiler or steamer just get a strainer basket and fit it over a pot of boiling water with a lid. I usually just steam for 20mins which is the suggested time for chicken eggs. You can't over steam. You can get it too hot though and then they split. Rinse in cold water and pop them right out of the shell without so much as a crack in the whites.
HATCH THEM BABIES! Quail only take a little over a couple of weeks and are easy to keep. You can find the instructions on the quail part of this forum. I would love to have them but just set 40 corturnix quail eggs in my bator today.
Hello All
When I Had My Quail I Went Ahead And Bought A Hava-bator,but It Only Held 120 Quail Eggs So I Made A Wine Cooler Laid It Down So The Door Woud Lay On The Floorbuilt 2 Racks,it Will Hold 300 Eggs,was Still Not Enough,went To Sears Asked If They Had A Freezer And Thry Did,it Was A Chest Type So I Gutted It Took Every Thing Off That I Didnt Need.put 3 Racks In It,it Will Hold Almost 3000 Eggs Which Will Be Enough For Now Lol I Hope,the Wine Cooler Works Fine,i Havent Used The Freezer Yet Im Going To Take The Wine Cooler To The Fair When It Comes To Town Next Month With The Freezer And Set Some Eggs And At The 1st Or 2nd Day Of The Fair They Will Hatch I Think It Will Be Awsume For The Little Kids To See That,i M Hopin Lol Might Even Be Cool For The Adults Too If You Are Building An Incubator And Need Some Help I Have Done It Twice Im Not A Very Good Builder So I Know Anybody Could Do It
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Pancho Willis
Willis Quail Farm

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