What should we do...re: neighbors...

I was actually agreeing with you sred. I understood that the lying was what made you mad. I also understood you said you didnt find the dog at fault for killing the cat in their yard. I didn't want to come off as being mean or making you think you're a bad mother or "off". I saw some pretty mutilated pets as a child, and those images have stayed with me for life. My main concern was the children being exposed to the gore and stench of a two day dead dog killed cat. But you're right, it is your business. However, you asked for advice on what you should do about the neighbors who wont give your dead cat back, and mine was to not get the cat back, and I explained why. Sorry I made ya mad, I didnt mean to. I'll step out of this debate.
Ok, I posted something on this earlier, but I am starting to feel like I live on a different planet from many of the people in this forum! I totally agree with the person who said, "Go get your cat!" For heaven's sake! A pit bull, on a chain?? Anyone or thing who comes in that yard is going to get killed...you said yourself that you have warned your kids about the dog and you have a gun. OF COURSE the cops and animal control would address this issue! It IS about the cat, AND the fact that this unfortunate dog is a ticking time bomb and could hurt or kill a child in the neighborhood too. You have the right to go out and run errands and come home and find your cat, who slipped out accidentally, in perfect health and not eaten up by some loser neighbor's dog. You have a right to ask them to see the dead cat. Where is the dog owner's responsiblity? OMG! Where am I???? I understand that some people consider cats a problem-I get that, but this was a family pet, wouldn't you go find your family member's remains if they were over there? The guy is a cop...he'll understand that you need to see the cat, and if not, call the real cops and animal control. Enough is enough. We are all supposed to walk on eggshells and let loser neighbors destroy our peace of mind and allow our precious pets to be killed? Oh, and to the person who said that any dog would do that.....um, NO! Maybe where you live, but where I come from, that is not the case. If a normal person sees a cat roaming around a neighborhood, they would ask around to see who's cat she was and then only after trying that would they take it to the humane society. I've lived in a big city and out in the country, it is not NORMAL to just shoot cats or have dogs around who just tear them up! PLEASE go get your cat...at least get out there when the garbage man comes....OMG!!!!! Please don't listen to these people saying you should let it go......how will they feel if the next thing you post is that the same dog killed a child on your block?????? Loser teen boys and pit bulls they only have to show off to their friends and train to kill ARE NOT socially acceptable, and if you don't take some kind of a stand here, you might regret it later. I'm not going to read these posts about this much longer. Some people are making me CRAZY! What happened to you is not fair and it was not your fault...accidents happen, but that DOG and his LOSER family are not part of some innocent ACCIDENT! That punk's dog murdered your house cat who is usually indoors and NEVER killed songbirds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should not have to live in fear of those people and their dog!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are in my prayers!
So does that mean it is legal to search in the trash for people's credit card information and bank records. I think your curb is still your property and they are trespassing. I don't want anyone searching my trash for the good stuff.
I would think it important to verify that it IS the missing cat. When a cat gets out...sometimes strays show up also. It's possible that the dead cat may not necessarily be the missing kitty. Slim chance.... but it is there none the less. She could have gotten frightened off during the attack of said cat and still be missing. It's important to verify what cat is dead... even if you're not going to bury it.

Prey drive and human aggression are two very different things. Any experienced dog trainer knows this. My Search and Rescue dogs have killed cats, but have never so much as growled at a human. There is no deficiency in their temperaments; THEY ARE DOGS!! Any dog worth having knows the difference between a running, small, furry, prey animal (or an intruder!) and an unthreatening human. Hunting breeds make the best search dogs; a dog with no desire to hunt will not search! Coincidentally they like hunting what they were bred to find too! I was not pleased that they had done this, but it did not happen while they were working or I was home, and in their time off they are free to run, hunt, and play. Project human beliefs on a dog and you will find yourself in a whole world of trouble.
Well, this wasn't meant to be a debate.
This was a "What the heck should I do, I've never been in this situation before!" And my plan was actually, to go and get her, put her in a trashbag and take her and bury her. I'm sorry if I overreacted to your post, but it did feel like an attack, and this is a sensitive subject to a lot of people, you know? Plus, I know tone doesn't translate well on a forum, so I am sorry for jumping on you.

It does bother me that I don't really know if it's Mimi, or not. I am almost positive, and have been checking lost pets and everything, but nothing. Plus, this is a pet-friendly neighborhood, and I am one of the local "pet experts" so if anyone found a cat, they would come to me and ask whose it was, or if I knew of a home for it. The fact that no one has come and asked if I have seen their cat, tells me I am the only one missing a cat.

I didn't want this to turn into a debate.
I really just wanted to know what, or if, there was anything to do.

Thanks for the support.

What I would do in this situation is have a memorial service with an image of the animal if there was no body to claim. You could even give it a symbolic burial. If the remains are disturbing and now decaying, there is no point in anything else imho. I believe the adult neighbor is trying to be diplomatic in this case. What is in her trash is no longer your baby. It is the tragic remains that would only stir up hard feelings if you saw it at this stage.

Try to accept that and figure out how you can actually protect any future cat you may own.


PS I am embarrassed to say when i lost a chick I did not have a funeral or bury it at all . DH was upset with me that i just disposed of it before he got home. We did bury our family dog though.
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