What the government didn't tell you about your stimulus payment...

I don't know if I will get one or not. I can't find my papers.... and yes I think this check is a way for them to get us focused on the money and NOT on them. So... Speckled, I am with you on this. As I just got a divorce I am still going to take the money because I am currently not employed and not recieving alimony. But I will still have my name on the check because my name was on the tax forms t his year.

I am spending mine on a horse.

Hmm. I don't look for any, but if I do get some it will go to pay taxes. My husband owes back child support. Which, I don't mind him paying that at all. (I have a shoe on the other foot, too. I have an ex- who pays child support to me, so I know how frustrating it is not to get it.) But DH was out of work for a while and couldn't pay, so he is catching up now.

Still, I don't like his ex-wife taking money that is supposed to come to me and my children. (If it wasn't for us, he wouldn't get a tax refund and I don't think it should go to her.) So I stopped paying taxes out of my paycheck. That makes it so that we never get a refund. We always have to pay in a few hundred dollars. It's a balancing act to get the withholdings just right so that we don't owe TOO much at the end of the year.

ANYWAY as far as the 'stimulus' goes, I hope they will apply it to the taxes we owe this year before they send it for back child support. On the other hand, if they apply it all to back child support, he will be close to being caught up with that. So, either way--shoot, I don't care. It's money I don't have to scrape up from somewhere else. LOL

I have a question, though.

One of my tenants came in, a retired lady, and said she wasn't required to file income taxes usually because her retirement income was not taxable. (SSI, maybe? I'm not sure.) But someone advised her to file income taxes this year so she could get a rebate. So she paid to have her taxes done. From what I have read, she probably won't get a stimulus check anyway, because her tax liability is not high enough. I wonder if that is a scam people were doing to older folks. Anyone else know anyone who's done that?

Everyone needs to save the notice you get around the same time as your stimulus money. If when you file your 2008 taxes, they underestimated your rebate amount, you can use that as proof.
If you don't file a return for 2007, you won't get a rebate check. Some people who aren't required to file income taxes should file if they are eligible for the rebate or they won't get it at all. So, that part is true - they do have to file to get the rebate.

It's a shame, though, that someone couldn't help her (friend/family or even herself) file for free. If she usually doesn't have to file, then it's not like she had a complicated return - would probably take less than 30 min to prepare and mail it in. And I really hope someone didn't take advantage of her by filing a return and charging her if she wouldn't get the rebate...
We didn't get what we thought we would either. It's aggravating to the point of...why bother....if they aren't gonna give it to the poor people who really need it, why do it?
Shoot, we are scraping the bottom now. I'm searching for a job since real estate is flushed down the toilet, and can't find a job to save my life. Before too long there will be another mortgage mess because of gas and food prices skyrocketing, we poor poverty level and low income people will be foreclosed on just because we can't make the house payment and eat too, or go to work. Wages haven't increased but everything else has. I'm telling you people trouble is coming at us all faster than we realize. Before too long we will all be sitting on our front porches w'shotguns in hand to protect what is ours. We can't keep going like this, stimulus check
What stimulus check? It's all gone to the gas station pumps!!!
Thank God for my chickens... at least we will have eggs to eat when this all blows up... but won't have a pan to fry them in!!!
I thought I was the only one! Mine will go for that and to pay off the tires on my car and possibly, if theres enough, a down payment on tires for hubbys pickup. Just necsesities here, no thrills!
One of the good things about all this is.....those of us that know how to live without will be just fine. Now those that must have it all...well........mor power to 'em.
Bread and circuses. That's what it is.

Wouldn't it be nice if we were privy to the information when they decide to water down our currency and steal from our savings?
We only got 900 dollars...not the 1200 we supposed to get. Sounds like a joke to me and none of it would be for "junk", only bills and repairs. Go figure!

For all I care, I dont think they should call it "stimulus payments", it should be called ?????????????????

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