What the government didn't tell you about your stimulus payment...

As times get worse there may come a time when your eggs may be your saving grace. It may come down to trading something you need for something they need.The eggs are a good Investment. The only thing I can say about this country is "we are not in kansas anymore" so grab toto and get ready for the storm.

Hey I made $50 worth of egg money last week and that paid for ONE FULL TANK of GAS. :thun
As has been said before, this is not a welfare check, it's an economic stimulus check, for what all that is worth. It isn't meant for people to live off of, but rather to just boost the economy a bit (yea right...).

And for those who did not get what they expected, I was hearing that the majority of single folks will get $600, households $1200, and then some additional for each dependent. However, you have to fit in a bracket, above a minimum, and below a maximum in order to get it. I can see how the media was misleading however, because they were always just quoting that $600 and $1200 figure (which is true for the majority of tax payers), but that isn't the entire picture, as some have found out by now.
It should be called "We overtaxed you, here's some back. Too bad we spent the overtax and had to borrow it from China to send back to you". Idiots. We're in so much trouble in this country
I dont know if anyone posted this yet but if you used turbo tax you wont be getting a direct deposit into your acount. Anyone who paid for there taxes to been done out of there tax money you will be getting a paper check-just recieved an email from turbo explaining this. BUMMER for me. Counted my chickens before they hatched:rolleyes:
Is this if you filed online? Or just that you used Turbotax? I use it all the time but refuse to pay anyone to file online - that's ridiculous (but another rant!)
Strait from the email they sent me- it looks like if anyone took the tax preparation fees out you get a paper check.

Dear Valued Customer,

We want to provide you with the most up–to–date information about the tax rebate to which you may be entitled.

Recently, you may have received a letter from the IRS advising you when to expect your Economic Stimulus Payment (rebate). That IRS letter may have inadvertently left off some important information. Taxpayers who chose to have their tax preparation fees deducted from their federal tax refund will receive their tax rebate in the mail, not via direct deposit.

Our records show that you chose this payment option in TurboTax. As a result, the IRS has determined that you will receive your tax rebate in the mail. This may result in you receiving your rebate on a date later than expected.

This situation, while not unique to TurboTax, is understandably causing some concern and confusion. To help further clarify the situation, below is the most current IRS rebate payment processing schedule, as well as additional resources about the tax rebates.

I hope you find this information helpful. If you still have questions, the best source for the most up-to-date information is www.irs.gov (see the "Rebate Payment Questions" link).


Bob Meighan

Vice President, TurboTax Customer Advocacy
This is just another case where reading the fine print is important, only that it wasn't fine print, but rather the verbage of the stimulus alert letter that should have caught your attention. It said you would receive "UP TO $$$." I understand, though, that it takes a jaded perspective to expect that you won't get the full amount.

Please understand I'm not giving you guys a hard time here, I'm just pointing out that often you can read a lot between the lines.

Also, I heard some economist discussing how "stimulating" the economy is the worst thing we can do right now, because it will only increase inflation. We really should be investing in our economic infrastructure so that we can generate jobs and wealth back here at home.

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