What the hatch is going on at the Purple's house??? UPDATE-100% HATCH

Congrat's on your hatch PurpleChicken!
They are so cute. I've never see a Silky and don't know what a Buckeye is, but sure it is cute. I'm just starting with a few different hens given to me by a friend that had to move. Have two chicks doing well from my first hatch a week ago, and waiting for the pips now... day 21.
I would love to have some of all kinds! It is so hard to make up my mind which breed I like best. I'm even thinking I would like a couple of ducks but again, not sure what kind. I don't know if I want to incubate duck eggs or get some hatchlings.
Are you really letting go of some of your hatch, or are you just feeling a bit overwhelmed?

I want some more eggs to start a new batch just as soon as this hatch is over! Even with the wait when it's time... it's still exciting and addicting!

Anyone have some fertile eggs they would like to send to a good home?
These are silkies. They are the pitbull of the chicken world. They are evil,
will take control of you, and peck your eyes out. Don't let their cuteness
fool you. A buckeye is sorta a darker Rhode Island Red.




Sure, I'll change it to amazed.

It's raining so hard out here today but that's ok. I've got my little chickies to play with.
The silkie chicks are mad.

Had to stop by and say....WAY TO GO!!![/b
You can tell me the truth Drumbstick was really in charge on this one.


Wow PC, you are now in the silky club, now youll have to find nice homes later on for them.
They make great shish kebabs!NOT
Anyhow, congratulations Drumstick, i know you did all the work!
Just keep an eye on your dad, hes very clucky right now.

Hey PC what if i sent you a seed hidden behind a postage stamp on a postcard??? You just plant the stamp in the soil and whalah, you have a banty tomato plant!!
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