What the heck came out of this egg!

Maybe inspect your chickens poo for signs of tapeworms? They'll be little 1/4in maybe smaller pieces that move, flat sometimes, or once they've dried they look like rice. White/yellowish almost brown.
The more I look at the pic (getting paranoid about eating fried eggs ever again) it seems like its more yellow than a worm would be. And its flat, so I wouldn't think roundworm, but I don't see any distinguishable segments, pretty characteristic of tapeworms. Hopefully its just a weird looking string of yolk that leaked out. I'd be disecting that egg, and the next from that hen. And probably be following it around waiting on a nice #2 to play with :th:sick
A heavily parasitized bird will have parasites in their eggs. The best thing would be to take a fecal sample to your veterinarian, and if at all possible take this 'thing' to the vet.
That's yolk... it's flatish because it squirted out a crack and was cooked instantly... might have been a double yolker and that's why the yolk inside still looked normal, or the one 'shrunk'...

Very, very rare for any worms to be transmitted to the egg... and for any who are interested in gross pic of an actual tapeworm...

That's yolk... it's flatish because it squirted out a crack and was cooked instantly... might have been a double yolker and that's why the yolk inside still looked normal, or the one 'shrunk'...

Very, very rare for any worms to be transmitted to the egg... and for any who are interested in gross pic of an actual tapeworm...

A true bird genius! :hugs i never thought double yolker. Again, after being creeped out at the first sight. I does just look like a looong string of yolk.

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