What the heck have I brought home? ***picture heavy***

Thanks for the info. The thing is though, about the age, I have had them pretty much their whole lives, so the age may be off a week or two at the most, but this friday, I will have had them for 16 weeks.

As another person said, it's not strange that they're not close to point of lay yet. Really only white Leghorns and sex links will lay around 19-20 weeks. I have some that I bought as day-old chicks so I know their age down to the day of hatch, and they are over 23 weeks at this point. Only one EE is laying, and the rest haven't really started to develop combs and wattles yet. You'll know when they are close to laying eggs, because those combs and wattles will seem like they developed over night.
Where did you get them from? I think they look too heavy-bodied to be hamburg crosses. Their pattern and the dark head of one reminds me of a blonde version of my barnevelder pullet. Maybe they could be barnevelder/buff orpington crosses? Just a wild guess

Keep tabs on their pattern after their first molt. If they're part barnevelder, then their penciling might change to double lacing.
Where did you get them from? I think they look too heavy-bodied to be hamburg crosses. Their pattern and the dark head of one reminds me of a blonde version of my barnevelder pullet. Maybe they could be barnevelder/buff orpington crosses? Just a wild guess

Keep tabs on their pattern after their first molt. If they're part barnevelder, then their penciling might change to double lacing.
They came from a chicken swap and auction (I know that's frowned upon). I got two buff orpingtons and the two mystery chicks in a grab-bag, but never got a chance to talk to the farmer that brought them. I was going off a guess that they might be gold laced wyandottes, but obviously, I was very mistaken. I'll check out the barnevelder also. Thanks for responding!
As another person said, it's not strange that they're not close to point of lay yet. Really only white Leghorns and sex links will lay around 19-20 weeks. I have some that I bought as day-old chicks so I know their age down to the day of hatch, and they are over 23 weeks at this point. Only one EE is laying, and the rest haven't really started to develop combs and wattles yet. You'll know when they are close to laying eggs, because those combs and wattles will seem like they developed over night.

I've about decided that they probably won't lay until the spring since the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping.
My mother has a hen that looks exactly like the "blonde" one. She lays brown eggs and just hatched out 5 chicks :) She came from TSC last spring. I thought she was an EE but her legs are more yellow. What ever she is, at least she's a good layer.

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