What to do about Hunting dogs killing my chickens

I am with centarchid. To me this seems like a lame attempt to slam "hunting dogs" and hunting in general.
You would be wrong, if you're referring to my post. I am very pro-hunting actually, with or without dogs. I am also very pro-"control your dogs", though.
Property owners have rights, and neither hunters nor their dogs should be violating those rights, ESPECIALLY when it comes at the expense of the property owner's livestock.
But why should OP have to go and spend a any amount of money (other than for a single cartridge) because some jackass bliss ninny refuses to control his property. If he wants to keep his property alive, he needs to train it properly and get it under control, or be responsible for his own neglect.

Think that through and you might have your answer. OP wasn't dealing with a single hunting dog but pack of them, and roaming hounds is a recurring theme.

I don't know about in their neighborhood, but where I came from, the last guys in the world you would want mad at you would be the same guys who would turn a pack of hounds loose. Shoot said hounds and that could become your worst nightmare.......even if you were within your rights to do so. That type of feud holds the potential to spin out of control. Something you really don't want to get involved in.

Far better to let the fence deal with it. No muss, no fuss and more important your birds remain alive.
You would be wrong, if you're referring to my post. I am very pro-hunting actually, with or without dogs. I am also very pro-"control your dogs", though.
Property owners have rights, and neither hunters nor their dogs should be violating those rights, ESPECIALLY when it comes at the expense of the property owner's livestock.

My remarks are a reference to the opening post.
Howitzers are pretty cool. But the gun restrictions suck!
Every one should be required to undergo firearms training by age 13 to gain respect and understanding of weapons. And every single person should be allowed to carry if they choose to.

An armed society is a polite society.
like they do in Russia lol
We have a problem with hunters dogs. In general, we keep the birds in an electric fenced run on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday morning; the cat doesn’t get let out either as the hunters can’t control their dogs.
Neighbours dog badly attacked our chickens when they were free roaming on a non hunting day. Cost his insurers 1000.00€ and him another 300.00€. Funny enough he kept the dog secure after that. Week before he let the dog out early, not on a lead, and I heard an awful thump as the dog was hit by a car. When I saw him and comiserated his loss he still didn’t understand that he should not have let the dog run free!
I haven’t read through all the responses but it sounds like you might live in the same county in Virginia I do. Sounds identical. A lot of people say a gun can solve the problem and whether you feel though that is right for not according to animal control in which I have called about situations like yours that also even though they’re on your property is illegal. I’m not sure what county you’re in but there is a fine For killing poultry at least where I live
The story behind the law when it was made is there was an incident where somebody’s hunting dog ran onto somebody’s property and the dog didn’t do anything to the owner or to the property but the owner being over paranoid immediately shot the dog. Which I think it’s completely wrong thing as that dog did nothing . It’s a big big hunting county. They good majority of people I know. and I have no problem with it and if I was willing to wake up and freeze my butt off at 5 AM I may join them but I’m not. It’s a tough situation especially when you have No particular problem with hunting in no particular problem with hunting dogs as long as they’re not killing your flock
Unless you have given permission to the hunters, it is not legal in any state for someone to hunt on your land. I would contact your local sheriff and make a report about the trespassing, and the dogs killing/contributing to the death of the chicken, the go to your local D.A. and insist he bring up charges against the hunters. If the sheriff and da refuse to do their job, contact an attorney. Also find out who is above your local animal control (glorified dog catcher)and inform them of how as a public official/employee the dog catcher lied about your rights as a property owner.
I wish you were right. And I thought that’s how it worked until I had to call animal control one day because my teenage daughter called me at work saying there was a pack of dogs in our yard and somewhere growling at her. Luckily she had forgot to let the chickens out of the rotten that day. When animal control got there they said there’s nothing they can do being there hunting dogs. The best he could do is get the one that snuck inside my shed out of my shed and left I then called and talk to them about the laws. It took me three calls to eventually talk to somebody without an attitude. And it’s weird I find that one of the higher officials and many people in animal control in the area or also very involved in the local Hunt club for many years I’m not saying there’s a connection but it seems kind of odd
I haven’t read through all the responses but it sounds like you might live in the same county in Virginia I do. Sounds identical. A lot of people say a gun can solve the problem and whether you feel though that is right for not according to animal control in which I have called about situations like yours that also even though they’re on your property is illegal. I’m not sure what county you’re in but there is a fine For killing poultry at least where I live

I live in VA and not once has any sheriff/State police officers ever said anything about me in the wrong. It's always ended with "Well sure you need to train your dogs better, He can press charges if he wants so I suggest you pick your dog up and go" :) I love my county

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