What to do about Hunting dogs killing my chickens

I wish you were right. And I thought that’s how it worked until I had to call animal control one day because my teenage daughter called me at work saying there was a pack of dogs in our yard and somewhere growling at her. Luckily she had forgot to let the chickens out of the rotten that day. When animal control got there they said there’s nothing they can do being there hunting dogs. The best he could do is get the one that snuck inside my shed out of my shed and left I then called and talk to them about the laws. It took me three calls to eventually talk to somebody without an attitude. And it’s weird I find that one of the higher officials and many people in animal control in the area or also very involved in the local Hunt club for many years I’m not saying there’s a connection but it seems kind of odd

There is a connection. They lied to you.
A lot of the times I know the dogs came through the hunting grounds through the woods from behind my house. So a lot of the times I can’t figure out who’s dogs they are. At least in my county I can’t press charges for them being on my property. That I’ve checked into so many times. But after running down the laws There is a fine for killing poultry. But unfortunately it has to somehow be proven to others and it has to happen before anything is done. Which stinks.
Someone needs to post laws pertaining to where OP is located. Some of what is being spouted so far is not accurate. I am a hunter that has used dogs (hounds) and often hunted property of others and we had to get permission before hand. If our dogs were to have gone after chickens or other stock, the land owner could have shot them so dogs afforded no protections if off mission.

It is also bad management of hunting dogs to allow them free-range where they can get into trouble. Concept of what actual hunters do is off the mark.

Determine what rules are yourself and work to make so enforcers also know. Otherwise vote enforcers out and vote to get rules changed.

I have had to shoot dogs, but make such a big deal of it is not healthy.
Every cellphone has a camera nowadays. ;) got my proof. Cell is always handy in my pocket. And I am a hunter too. But I've never needed dogs to do my hunting for me. ;) call me old school but if you need dogs help, your not really hunting. No different than spotlighting in my opinion. Using dogs to hunt should be illegal. If your not good enough or patient enough to hunt without forcing them out to you with your hounds then you have no business claiming your a real "Hunter"
Someone needs to post laws pertaining to where OP is located. Some of what is being spouted so far is not accurate. I am a hunter that has used dogs (hounds) and often hunted property of others and we had to get permission before hand. If our dogs were to have gone after chickens or other stock, the land owner could have shot them so dogs afforded no protections if off mission.

It is also bad management of hunting dogs to allow them free-range where they can get into trouble. Concept of what actual hunters do is off the mark.

Determine what rules are yourself and work to make so enforcers also know. Otherwise vote enforcers out and vote to get rules changed.

I have had to shoot dogs, but make such a big deal of it is not healthy.
Yes. Finding the laws and regulations of their exact location as they are written instead of what animal control is telling them is probably a good step. Our property backs up to hunting ground and most of the time the hunting dogs that pass through in my yard Are on a mission and not concerned with my chickens. And normally people friendly. And Are called back quickly. But It’s not always the case. Like the OP. Sounds like they are having quite a time with no support. That’s tough
Yes. Finding the laws and regulations of their exact location as they are written instead of what animal control is telling them is probably a good step. Our property backs up to hunting ground and most of the time the hunting dogs that pass through in my yard Are on a mission and not concerned with my chickens. And normally people friendly. And Are called back quickly. But It’s not always the case. Like the OP. Sounds like they are having quite a time with no support. That’s tough
It may help when talking with animal control to know yourself what laws apply. That way you can get officer on right track faster. Some officers may not know rules, I have seen that with other branches, so poultry owner being in the know can help with that.

I am not averse to shooting dog with causing no real harm, but that requires your presence when dogs come in. I am dealing with two dogs now which is a combination of one of my guards coming into heat. I am going to some length to avoid shooting, especially to kill. I can keep them away from core of where my chickens are kept using electrified fencing, but about 20 birds are allowed to range freely and they do go out where the interloping dogs mess around.

If OP has birds confined to a location that can be fenced, it may be possible to keep hounds out. Hounds I had would not be repelled unless fencing zapped them repeatedly as they attempted to pass.
I’m 61, I’ve hunted ducks,geese, grouse, pheasant and woodcock with dogs over 30 years. It is the dog owners (our) responsibility to train and manage our dogs actions. It is our responsibility to ask and receive permission to hunt someone’s property. Hunting is a privilege of living in North America but we must be mindful of other’s rights as well. Bad disrespectful hunters create posted lands and supply anti-hunters with ammo ( pardon the pun ) to strip hunters of our time afield.
Sorry for your troubles, please don’t feel all hunters are so reckless.
Yes the problem is is that it’s hard to do something unless you’re standing right there at the moment. I’ve run into the situation where I hear noise and run up to find that something terrible has already happened. When talking to animal control sometimes it helps to make several calls and talked to several people Because oddly enough you sometimes get different answers. That’s why sometimes it’s good to look up and read the written laws.

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