What to do? Hubby doesn't want all 5!

Oh boy.I went from 12 stupid old RIR SUPOSSED hen's 6 year's ago and Yep I hated chicken's then.... Hehe God I think I caught a fever from the feather's and the Smell then.I have raised HUNDRED"S since.I guess I caught the Bird Avian Flu from them.Ha Ha.Bird's Rock
Maybe this isn't the place to ask but, are you okay with your husband? He sounds like he has a bad temper. If minor things set him off so much, I'm just feeling afraid for you and your daughter.
Unless he paid for them, feeds them or cleans up after them he doesn't get to have an opinion on them. When my father retired because of medical issues a few years back he sold off his cattle herd. I couldn't stand the thought of all of them leaving. I became the proud owner of 2 heifers & told my hubby AFTER I paid market price for them. I named them Smoke & Ash, he calls them Steak & Ale. Did I mention I don't eat beef???
We planned for 8, I bought 10 with the logic that chicks do die and there might be a roo in there somewhere.

Well, we're sitting right at 18 weeks for them and none have gone to chicken heaven and none appear to be roos.

I ran the chickens across my DH first, since I would need him to build me a sturdy coop. (I can do many things, but building a structure of any sort is not one of them-at least not if you want it to stand up). He asked me to wait a year. I did. He then sat down and pulled up plans for the coop himself,we hammered out the details, he bought all the materials and we all (including the kids and I) went out to help build it under his direction.

He made it very clear he will not clean up after the chickens or care for them in anyway at all- EVER. He now has three chickens (included in the 10 I purchased). LOL.

He doesn't clean up after them, I do that. I also feed them, water them, and anything else for them that needs to be done - as long as it doesn't entail building something for them - I have tasked him with that. (The lucky guy lol)

Really the only thing he does for them is he will go out and pee around the coop and run for me to help keep predators away if I ask him to. I take that back, he does occasionally bring them a treat.

He would be very upset if I came home with some extra chickens...and my DH is a pretty laid back kind of guy. He really wasn't on board with getting them because he had MANY MANY chickens when he was growing up and he was made to clean the coop and run top to bottom every Saturday by himself. I believe he was 10. I believe that whole experience put a bad taste in his mouth that has lasted 25 years.

Anyway, more chickens for us would mean more materials that we really can't afford for a bigger coop and bigger run.

I have however, been talking to him about some cornish or some sort of meat bird and getting him to build me a PVC tractor. He already has the plans printed out. LOL

Now if I could have built the coop allll by my lonesome, I would still have run it by him, simply because materials are expensive and we really have to budget for that.

Now if money for materials was no prob AND I could build all by myself - what could he say about it then?

It's all a question of your specific situation and relationship that you have with your partner.
I haven't read through ALL the posts from people, but I did notice that quite a few of them are attacking your husband, and to be fair, I think more information is needed before everyone attacks him. I can understand where he's coming from. In our situation, we live in the suburbs, and don't have a huge yard. One or two extra chickens is a big deal. In a small space, added noise and poop adds up quickly. That being said, I would still keep the chicks, there is a very good chance you'll wind up with some roos. If you really want to tick him off keep the roos hahahaha
I miss waking up to the peeping of chicks in my house. The first night that I moved them outside it was really lonely in here. Even DH missed the little chirps. I think they sound sweet.

Does hubby get upset when your little girl is loud, or is she always quiet? Just wondering. When I was a young girl I remember my mom telling me that if you want to know what kind of husband and father a man will be look at the way he treats animals.
Wow! How loud could baby chicks be?
Tell him to turn up the stereo if he has a problem.

Ok, I've stayed out of this as long as I could. While I don't know the person in question, and I am willing to concede he may have his good points (after all, OP married him for SOME reason) yelling at chickens in that manner because they are making chicken noises is disrepectful to you AND your daughter at the very least, and abusive at the very worst; a person who gets that upset by chickie noises and reacts in that way would never be left alone with my chickens, my dogs, OR my children. There are too many stories of men doing permanent hurt to animals or children because they 'just wouldn't shut up'. (btw, when my children were young, I didn't allow them OR us to say 'shut up'; if we needed to, we always said "please be quiet" or "please lower your voice"..."shut up" sounds rude). I know I'll probably hear the "Oh, he loves our DD and would never hurt her", but I've worked with many women who said the same thing, and later regretted it. Does the OP ever wonder if he'd do something to her chickens when she is away from home? If the thought has ever crossed her mind, she KNOWS what needs to be done. Btw, i'm guessing he was watching tv, or playing vidiot games while this transpired...

"Does hubby get upset when your little girl is loud, or is she always quiet? Just wondering. When I was a young girl I remember my mom telling me that if you want to know what kind of husband and father a man will be look at the way he treats animals." Yep, this is very true...a man who would yell those words at chickens OR dogs, wold say the same to a little child.
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Ok, I feel the need to apologize for my previous post. I reacted by making assumptions and then giving MY idea when it wasn't asked for. After reading it over, I realize it sounded judgmental, which wasn't my intention at all. Please accept my apologies...

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