What to do? Hubby doesn't want all 5!

Second, Third, and Fourth this! and what Redhen had to say as well. I could see being upset over 20, but two!?!? Puuuullleeeeese! Power plays are not pretty on either side, two is not a power play, but objecting over two IS. Twenty would be a power-play, (or could be if it were out of the blue) and him objecting over that would be totally reasonable.

It sounds like things have leveled out for you since I've come late to the party, but I'd like to add that the quantity of eggs you'll get from 5 is much more reasonable for a family of 3, and the expense of the extra two is totally negligible. If you have too many eggs at times, it's always a friendly thing to give some eggs to a neighbor or a friend... assuming you're allowed to have friends. OK, that was mean, but this whole thing reminds me of the controlling behaviour of my ex-husband. (EX because I woke up one day and the coffee smelled MARVELOUS!)
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Well, the DW knew what she was getting into when she married me. When we started dating I had 138. She knew the chickens were a part of me and willingly accepted that. It took her a few years but she has learned to love them as much as I do. I can honestly say that she has NEVER fussed about the birds or the costs associated with them. After 28 yrs of marriage she has decided that she wants a flock of her own. So I guess before long I will be fixing her a coop/run that she can say is hers. She say's she only wants 5 but we all know the dangers of chicken math.
I don't think I'd get more chickens without running it by my husband. Maybe it's because we've been married since we were 21 and kind of grew up together, but we make a lot of our decisions together. I would be put out if he made that kind of time/financial decision without me, so it's only fair, IMO.

When I got my first three chickens we talked about it and I let him think it over for awhile and he said he'd be okay with it. I built my own tractor mostly by myself and he helped me move it into place and went with my to pick up the chickens. He got to ride an hour in a van that reeked of chicken poo. Before I got the second two I ran it by him. By then he knew about what level of commitment it took -- or I thought he did. I guess he didn't know I'd need a second tractor. When he found out (all five chickens in a 32 ft tractor was pretty high-conflict), he helped me design and build the second tractor. We don't have a lot of money and for our budget, it wasn't cheap, but he was a good sport about it.

Now I have a daily commitment to my girls that I didn't have before -- I have to check on them at least a couple times a day and I let them out to free range in the yard at least once a day and sometimes I need help rounding them up or I have one in the house doing something to it. I've spent household money on the tractors (prob $100 give or take each), feed, feed/water containers, litter, poultry dust, grit, oyster shell. I have trouble lifting 50 lb bags of feed by myself because I'm on the small side, so I've had him help with that. He's not an outdoorsy person, or an animal lover, or someone that likes DIY projects, so it's a stretch for him. I know he'd be unlikely to just up and start a $250 project without running it by me. So yeah . . .
Sometimes spouses are so silly. I've told this story before but here goes: I wanted 3 or 4 backyard chickens. My DH said "you don't need no stinkin' chickens'. (When he says something like this, I just pretend that he said something nice and go on and do what I want). Here's the rundown of events that followed:

1) My son built a chicken tractor for me for Mother's Day.
2) Someone dumped off (abandoned) black sex link chickens (like they would a dog or puppies or cat or kittens-who
does that, right?) on our country road. DH rescued 10 of them (couldn't catch the rest ).
3) I ordered 11 BO pullets from Ideal to make the minimum purchase thinking 7 could go live with the sex-links.
4) Ideal included 10 SLW 'peanuts' for a total of 21 chickens.
5) DH pulled out the old Hovabator(sp) and ordered 70 pheasant eggs. When big enough, he'll put them in an
aviary on the same property with the sex-links.
6) We don't have an aviary....

The actual lesson to be learned here: When your DH says something meant to limit you in any way, just pretend he said something nice and then do what you want and feel good about it. Life is too short to spend it supressing your wants to appease anyone else...
I told my husband that I wanted 6 or maybe at the most 8 chickens..... I have 18.... it just happens that way. He was worried. He wasnt thrilled. The run would have to be bigger.... but I love my 18 chicks! And chicks do sometimes die, its good to have a few extra's. Enjoy
after reading this post it made me think back to a time when DH told me I can't go outside to get the mail with my bathrobe on so I said I didn't know this and I took my robe off and went and got the mail in my baby doll pj's
I have a DH like that! He likes to act like he needs to tell me common sense things to do or not do and it drives me up the freaking wall. I do the opposite of what he says just because it ticks me off so much. He is jealous of my chickens and it cracks me up every time he tells me that my chickens are spoiled and he isn't. DUH, they're nicer!!
LOL... If you are going to get into chickens, know THIS: It is addicting and wonderful and you ALWAYS end up having more than you originally planned for... I started by saying I wanted to get 3-4 chickens which took my husband 2 weeks to be on board with... THEN I ended up ordering 8 because I couldn't pick between all the wonderful breeds (I explained to DH that some chicks die and some chicks end up being boys, so it's good to order some extras). THEN I decided I just had to have a maran so I added another chick to the order (9 total) which I explained to DH that they must have shipped 1 extra chick for insurance reasons

And if that wasn't enough, I THEN decided to hatch some eggs myself because I wanted some olive eggers and I couldn't get those from a hatchery or feed store... 3 chicks hatched (now we're up to 12 total)...

THEEEEENNNN... A friend of a friend of my mom's had a hen that was getting bullied and gang-raped by her roosters so OF COURSE I had to rescue her!

So, although I started with a plan for a few chickens I now have THIRTEEN. And I love every single one.

If I were you, I would explain to your husband that the difference in care and cost is almost nothing and that out of 5 chicks it is likely you will end up with 3 laying hens.

Good luck with your new addiction!!!!!

SAME THING. My husband is jealous of all the animals... I tell him that if he never argued with me, made me breakfast, ran to see me every time I walk in the door, and cute-en up a bit - he might get cuddled and spoiled too!

Tee Hee!


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