What to do? Hubby doesn't want all 5!

My DH was SOO mad when I brought home 5 chicks a couple years ago. We kept them and enjoyed them, they bring me soo much pleasure and joy. Once he saw how really Really happy the chickens made me he started to soften. Now, he nearly cries more than me if we loose a chick. Recently, his very favorite rooster died(never thought I'd see that coming - him having a favorite, it being a rooster, and then having it die), he couldn't even Talk about it for days. I was out of town when it happened, and when I came home he told me some of the story; later in conversation about the bbq he had had with my folks I slipped up and Totally innocently asked if they had chicken for dinner. I felt Horrible about that!!! It took him two more days after that to talk about it, and when he saw a picture of the rooster he started choking up again. Poor sweet guy, gotta love him for that big heart!!! ANYway, perhaps let your husband know how very happy these little chicks make you, and it is such a small thing in the grand scheme of things. Let him know that they also bring about a sort of peace and joy which makes you more calm and relaxed - which are always good things, right? Maybe if he shares in them with you, it will help out. In some ways, it brought my husband and I closer together, because we now enjoy sitting in the yard and watching the chickens as we talk about the day. They have become a source of joy to the both of us.
Dear Abby would ask " Are you better off with the extra chicks or the Hubby", or something like that.
Yes insurance chicks. In case some dont make it. Thats a great idea. Because every one knows how hard it is to introduce a new bird later to go back up to 3 birds. Its better for them to be raised together.

And what if you end up with a roo and have to rehome one. You need extra in case of that too.
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I noticed this already. I brought the first 3 home on Friday. The other 2 came home yesterday and they stick together. Multiple times when I went in to the garage, the 2 were sitting on a perch together and the others were in the pine shavings.
My hubby has learned to deal with my chicken obsession! He had put me on a hatching time-out for awhile. I did oblige. When the time came that my roos were doing their job and I had to hatch some test eggs he said go for it. Well I just kept adding eggs to the bator. It has been running non stop for 6 weeks!

I just ordered 12 more BCM eggs! Plus I will be setting almost 30 BCM eggs from my existing flock! He did question what I would be doing with all the chicks but when I showed him I have already pre-sold 15 of my own BCM chicks he just said "cool".

He is going to build me another large coop and run but I think it's only because I promised him a fresh chicken dinner for 4th of July!!!

With all that, my hubby was hard to convince at first. Once he seen that I could support my own habit selling eating eggs, hatching eggs, chicks and POL pullets, he now let's me do what I want. Although he does call me out if it starts to get to out of hand. I'm grateful for that though since I do need the reality check every so often. Just make sure you have a plan at all times!
Awww, they're so stinkin cute!

When I brought two hoome without discussing or asking he was not the happiest man I have ever seen. I told him over the phone when he was at work...
When he came home, he still wasn't happy, but told me since I had already brought them home I couldn't just get rid of them and he saw how happy they made me
Well when one turned into a roo, he was out to sea, and let me cry on his email shoulder
I found a very happy farm to take William to, and he continued to ask abotu Chickpea in almost every email til he came home, and now he loves her just as much as I do, even though he did banish her to the back yard... He let me keep my Chickpea, and I let him buy all his weird "collectables" so we're even..
I always find topics like this interesting, because it was my father that wanted the chickens and my mother said "fine, but I am not taking care of them, and no more than 8" we now have 36, my father loves them, and my mother doesn't really care, but she never cleans up after them or cares for them.

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