what to do with frozen water

Their roost need to be wide enough so they can sit on and cover their feet . They can warm their feet while they roost . They will not as a rule consume as much water in winter as they do in the heat of summer. Allow them to drink their fill a couple of times a day . Bring the water containers in at night and or between watering's just before they freeze . But water with as cold of water as you can it will take longer to freeze. They'll be fine they are tougher than we are when it comes to the cold . If we could just teach them to use the frost proof water facets :lau
I run heat in my Coop...Its insulated also..Vents are open on the east and south side of Coop. my Coop is not too warm though..Water does get a bit of ice on top. I use rubber livestock bowls for water set on bricks under the heat lamp..This morning it is -18C outside..
Chickens can suffer frost bite so it might be time to Coop them in...?
They must have liquid water at all times that they are awake. @Mrs. K's solution is best if you don't have electricity to the coop.

Nonono! They need good ventilation all year round. Good ventilation has some air movement, but no drafts strong enough to ruffle feathers(literally)near roost area.
I forgot to say only at night!
Think of being in a car with a bunch of people in the winter. Without heat, almost immediately the car will fog up. That is what will happen if you close up the coop tight at night.
I love this analogy! Most folks have experienced this, so should understand it.
.....and just think that's without anyone pooping!

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