What treat did your chickies get today?

ok im sure its somewhere in the 2700+ posts but im just to lazy to look. i was wondering can i feed my chicks any kind of treat, they are around 2 weeks old.if i can, does anyone have any good recipes for me? if i cant cause they are to young when can i start giving them treats?
My philosophy is the same as I used with my kids. Treats are just that ... treats. And none whatsoever when they are very small. With that being said, I think their first treat I gave them (the chickens, not the kids lol) was ground up fresh carrot. They freaked out over it. They were probably 2 - 3 weeks old at that time. I only ever introduced new foods one at a time, too. Next in line was plain dry rolled oats. They LOVED it. And it soooo cheap. Next was plain greek yogurt. Then scrambled egg finely chopped. They are now 3 months old and get homegrown fodder (wheatberries) and fermented feed. I don't give them too many leftovers at all. Mainly vegetables, plain rice, etc. The 7 month old hens, though, get just about anything, as the previous owners fed them LOTS of kitchen scraps. When the 3 month olds start laying eggs I will probably start to give them more variety, but for now they are happy with their "special" treats. Sometimes I think giving chicks treats is more for "us" than "them." Our entertainment vs their diet and health.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching them lunge at new food, too!
I just read above that avocados are toxic....I have a flock of five and although I don't feed them avocados they have access to over 150 trees of them, these girls are free range on almost three acres ....I know they are lots on the ground as my lab brings up his treats and leaves his pits on the grass....pic not related, I just love my girls

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