What treat did your chickies get today?

Today was the day of first-ever treats... I first gave them the eggshells from my breakfast (well, that's not a first-ever treat. They get it every time my family has eggs, and that's almost every day...) and then a few mushroom raviolis. The girls loved it! But the roosters thought it was a rival rooster threatening to push them out of place in the pecking order... anyways, the roosters didn't like them. Or maybe I'm having weird visions again...
A couple of times a week I cook for my girls. I have a recipe that's just for them. I make quinoa with apple juice and a little olive oil with sunflower seeds and raisins mixed in. It's good warm meal for cold mornings, plus it doesn't get my bearded lasses covered in stickiness like oatmeal does. They love it! They see me with the pan in my hand and they come running!
A couple of times a week I cook for my girls. I have a recipe that's just for them. I make quinoa with apple juice and a little olive oil with sunflower seeds and raisins mixed in. It's good warm meal for cold mornings, plus it doesn't get my bearded lasses covered in stickiness like oatmeal does. They love it! They see me with the pan in my hand and they come running!

That seems good! I'd like to try that with my chickens... will you PM me the recipe?
ok im sure its somewhere in the 2700+ posts but im just to lazy to look. i was wondering can i feed my chicks any kind of treat, they are around 2 weeks old.if i can, does anyone have any good recipes for me? if i cant cause they are to young when can i start giving them treats?
You know what mine got today?? And not on purpose.... A half of a 45 oz. Container of Country Crock light spread.....yep... So every night I put their scraps in the frige in the saved butter containers. Lastnight when I cleaned kitchen I must have gotten the tubs switched because I made them a mixture of sunflower seed, oats and left over sausage. This morning as I was banging it on the ground wondering why it stuck so hard to the butter container...Out plops this huge chunk of butter spread. Of course the girls were all over it....playing in it....for just a second I stood there thinking " I could just scoop it up real quick" I couldn't do it......they are fine, but from now on I will always check the containers in the morning No matter how much of a hurry I am in.
Hysterical, especially since that is something that I would definitely do.

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