What treat did your chickies get today?

Yesterday was better: they got the peelings and leftover apples, plus, the carcass from a stewed chicken after making chicken soup. (I know, it bothers me when I stop to think, but they just love picking the meat off the bones) Today, it was just cabbage leaves which they love, especially if I hold a leaf while they tear bites out of it. When it gets down far enough, I drill a hole in the stalk and hang it in their run.
My got some kale and broccoli mixed with yogurt and sunflower seed. Since they have in the coop today (mean hawks) I am going to give tndm an extra treat today. We are going away for five days, so they are going to be cooped bound for few days. I had hoped to let them have a long time out today to forage, but the hawks killed that plan.
Have to do something about those stupid hawks. Yep know I can't shoot them.
mine got old grapes and celery :) merry Christmas

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