What treat did your chickies get today?

Phew! I don't feel bad at all giving my girls, and one boy, treats everyday. Today was cracked corn, corn on the cob and warm wheatbix and milk
Scraps from the garden and kitchen. Tomatos, strawberry tops, corn cobs, and the cores from the heads of lettuce. The heat is messing up my cucumbers(bitter) and roma tomato(blossom rot) plants so right now the girls are getting those! I think this week they'll be getting my pepper plants, the heat has severely stunted those.
Early this AM before work mine got shredded carrots, broccoli slaw mix, 1 ear of corn, and some cantaloupe. When I got home it was rather hot and muggy so I gave them some frozen peas and corn. They seemed to like it all!
Mine got a bit of cheese and crackers. Hubby spilled his beer and they seemed interested, but I tried to clean it up as best I could. They still seemed to want to peck that spot a lot.

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