What treat did your chickies get today?

About pomegranates -

My girls get pomegranates from my tree every day. I've learned the easiest thing to do is just start them by scoring around the top of the fruit so you can pull off the top end. Then you score down along the sections and the fruit pulls apart like an orange. Then I just give them the sections like that. They love to dig out the seeds themselves and they do a better job than I could. When I dropped a section near my feet, they all gathered around and attacked the seeds in that section. I learned they squish the seeds in their beaks to eat them. I got a pink shower on my feet from the bursting seeds. So funny! When they see me with the knife walking towards the pomegranate tree they get so excited! Such a commotion from the coop in anticipation!
On the menu today:

Breakfast: Mixed Leaf Lettuce, corn, tomato and sausage

Morning Tea: Watermelon

Lunch: Whatever I am having .. no option but to share

Afternoon Tea: Live meal worms

Dinner: left over layer mix
Kale, broccoli, scratch feed, cherry tomatoes, and whatever they found in the yard. I read the treat list posted on BYC and tried plain yogurt this week. That was a hoot to watch. Only two of my birds liked it, though.
I know this sounds strange, but here goes. A large tub of dirt. Nothing better than a fresh pile of dirt to climb on, scratch and peck through
Also first time cutting some bamboo branches and hung those up in a large clump in the run. They ate some of the leaves, but really seemed to enjoy the swinging branches and crawling in between them. Dry oatmeal about an hour before bed, it's going to be chilly tonight.
I know this sounds strange, but here goes. A large tub of dirt. Nothing better than a fresh pile of dirt to climb on, scratch and peck through :D   Also first time cutting some bamboo branches and hung those up in a large clump in the run. They ate some of the leaves, but really seemed to enjoy the swinging branches and crawling in between them. Dry oatmeal about an hour before bed, it's going to be chilly tonight.
Bamboo leaves? I've got and endless supply nearby. I didn't know they were s food source.

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