What treat did your chickies get today?

So far today they have had mince [ground beef], live meal worms, lettuce, tomato and banana. They are about to help me eat my lunch, sausage rolls, and for afternoon tea they are going to share a small piece of cheese.

They love the weekend!
I scattered some flax seeds and sesame seeds into the brooder to give the chicks something to search for while they're scratching through the bedding. Makes a good boredom buster.
I gav mine some BOSS in the bedding to break boredom. I also put leftover a rice, veggie and chicken mixture in suet holder which were leftovers in my fridge.
I made a 'suet block' out of coconut oil, uncooked oatmeal, cracked corn, raisins, and meal worms and just gave it to the ladies. It's only gotten up to 3 degrees F today so we closed the door to the run and are keeping them in today. I sprinkled part of the block around the bedding in the coop so they would have stuff to scratch and peck for. I'm making meatballs today so I may give them a couple of those last with some apples that are a bit too ripe for me.
I made a 'suet block' out of coconut oil, uncooked oatmeal, cracked corn, raisins, and meal worms and just gave it to the ladies. It's only gotten up to 3 degrees F today so we closed the door to the run and are keeping them in today. I sprinkled part of the block around the bedding in the coop so they would have stuff to scratch and peck for. I'm making meatballs today so I may give them a couple of those last with some apples that are a bit too ripe for me.

I have thought of keeping my hens in too, it's only 0*F, woke up @-2*F but decided to open the pop door and put food and water in the run & coop. So whoever wants out to bask in the sun will go out and whoever wants to stay in have the option to do so.
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