What treat did your chickies get today?

Lol Sassysouth i know exactly how u feel! The oats i offered today were treated like nuclear missiles...nevermind the sand i gave them...hot lava
. Heres hoping time passes and they get used to it all. Until then its their mash and tiny seeds.

Haha. I chased them around the run with the watermelon slice until they were cornered. Weirdo's. Then they would turn their heads like I had medicine. I kept telling them all the other chickens loved it. I got two to take a nibble off my finger and they promptly wiped their beaks on the ground. Oh well. Maybe later.
More watermelon rinds, spinach leaves and tomorrow I will give them a frozen half of a watermelon that i scooped out the flesh and mixed in a blender with coconut milk. :) (it's supposed to be hot tomorrow.)

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