What tricks have you trained your ducks to do?

Crazy Maizie

Free Ranging
Jul 3, 2020
I have recently taught a few of my drakes to catch cherry tomatoes... or maybe it's just been a good toss while their mouths are open? 🤣
If I can, I will attempt to take a video. I'm not sure I'm that talented though - hold the phone, take video, toss tomatoes into duck's mouth...🤔 😁

So what tricks have you taught your ducks or attempted?
mine know their names, they can catch things, jump, spin, come, and more. they are like cats though lol they listen when they want to/when treats are involved, not like dogs who will do tricks whenever
Fun. I can't imagine my drakes jumping. They are truly fatties. 😉
My ducks know their names as well. This was the first time I even tried to have them catch a treat. 😁
Oh my goodness! I love the tomato catching!!! Even if you are doing most of the aiming, they are still trained to stand there with their mouths opened ready to catch! Very impressive!!

My ducks know their names, come when called, and go to bed when told. They are very food motivated so I'm sure I could teach them other tricks.

My ducks jump if I hold food over their heads. But I don't have a cue word for them. It's kind of adorable.

When we are gardening together I point at bugs that I find for them. One day I smashed my finger on a rock and said, "ow!" All my 6 ducks ran over making yummy noises looking for something delicious in the dirt. I realized that when I find something for them in the dirt I say, "oh!" With excitement. So, sound cues are absolutely learnable! This was only after having them outside with me for 2-3 months.

I've seen people teach chickens to play xylophones or ring a service bell. I'm confident ducks can do that, too.
Oh my goodness! I love the tomato catching!!! Even if you are doing most of the aiming, they are still trained to stand there with their mouths opened ready to catch! Very impressive!!

My ducks know their names, come when called, and go to bed when told. They are very food motivated so I'm sure I could teach them other tricks.

My ducks jump if I hold food over their heads. But I don't have a cue word for them. It's kind of adorable.

When we are gardening together I point at bugs that I find for them. One day I smashed my finger on a rock and said, "ow!" All my 6 ducks ran over making yummy noises looking for something delicious in the dirt. I realized that when I find something for them in the dirt I say, "oh!" With excitement. So, sound cues are absolutely learnable! This was only after having them outside with me for 2-3 months.

I've seen people teach chickens to play xylophones or ring a service bell. I'm confident ducks can do that, too.
Funny. You hurt yourself your ducks are like "food?" 🤣 I've seen videos of ducks jumping for food. Too cute.
My muscovy girls will come running when they see the shovel. 😊
Last night I noticed the one white male duck had a lump on the side of his throat when I tossed a tomato. I was thinking what now. But then watched it slide down and disappear. 😳 It was the tomato he swallowed whole.

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