What type of chick is this and what is happening on its neck?


In the Brooder
Apr 29, 2017
I have 5 chicks that are supposed to be red sex links. 4 of them look similar but this one is developing coloration in its wings and the others are not. It has more of a yellow head as well. Also, is its neck just wet or is this a problem?
Hi! This is our first time having chicks, so I am no where near an expert, but at about 4 weeks one of our ISA Reds looked the same, except I thought one of the other girls had pooped on her. Turns out, when I looked closer, it was her big feathers coming in. They start to push the down out and all you can see is the quill at that point which makes them look funny. Maybe it's that? Now that they are 8 weeks going on 9, most of their big chicken feathers are in and they are starting to really look like chickens!

Good luck!

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