what type of fencing?


6 Years
Apr 30, 2013
We are building a new coop and run for our new Little Ladies! We know what we are building, what size and where. But we have questions as to what would be best to use for the fencing for the run? We know from doing a bit of research that we need to have it 5 ft tall, not 4 ft! The options we have been looking at: chicken wire, garden netting, 2X4 fencing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
If you have predators around you will want to go with something more heavy duty like the 2x4 and bury a few inches down. Even better, bend the fencing then bury it so that you have a couple inches coming out away from the run that is buried so if you have a predator that likes to dig, this will prevent them from getting in. Also, if you plan on covering the run with netting, you may want to make the sides higher so you can walk comfortably inside. IMHO :)
I agree that you should extend the run height up a bit. You will be most happy if you can walk into the run to clean or visit without hunching down or banging your head! A determined predator can go right through netting or chicken wire. 2x4 welded wire is better but also has big openings for sparrows and such to get in and steal feed. A determined coon or dog can break the welds and go through a welded wire fence. Hardware cloth is pretty tough and has small openings but can be pricey. I use woven wire (2x4) fencing and chicken wire doubled over that. Very strong since the goats like to lean and tug on the run fence. Hope this helps!


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