What WON'T your chickens eat?

mine dont like carrots they usually pick around those .. and theres a few bugs they wont eat here in FL - those big yellow grasshoppers, true palmetto bugs, the large walking sticks, most 'fuzzy' caterpillars, and theres a couple of others that i guess have an odor for defenses which they avoid ..
Mine aren't enthusiastic about carrots, but I poke around few holes in them (for 3-4 carrots) and microwave them for a few minutes, they soften up like a sweet potato, they love them then!
my girls haven’t tried a whole lot of stuff yet because they are still pretty young, but one of my girls will literally eat anything and everything- we call her gobble guts. mainly because of her intense appetite and how she will steal all the treats that she can! doesn’t help that she’s top hen. automatically assumes that everything belongs to her. but my other two won’t eat half of what she does. forgot to add that broccoli is one thing that neither of them will eat, but my 5 week old chicks LOVE it when i tried them with it.

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