What WON'T your chickens eat?

Ok so speaking of what they won’t eat. My daughter that I thought would love my chicken eggs, won’t take them, even though I feed them organic chicken feed. She says they are supposed to eat food like scraps such as grapes or peels or something that possibly not organic, of course this comes from my child that has never raised chickens. I see people posting stuff they feed their hens all the time that’s not just chicken feed. Am I missing something here
I mean they are not supposed to eat food from your kitchen
I mean they are not supposed to eat food from your kitchen
Chickens love variation in their diet and they need their fruits and veggies like the rest of us. Chicken feed is formulated so it can be the only thing they eat, but they do a lot better with fruits, veggies and protein.
I don't know why yours didn't want the egg's you cooked them, sometimes the head chicken will decide somethings a no go and the rest follow her lead whether or not they tasted it.
I mean they are not supposed to eat food from your kitchen
It depends what you eat. If you eat fish sticks and frozen pizza ...then I agree, but if you are eating healthy - then your compost bin is excellent variety of vitamins and nutrients for them. Fruits, veggies, berries, cooked meat scraps, soggy cereals, milk, brown rice, ends of your celery/ lettuce bottoms, dinner scraps. YUM!!! They will go nuts for it. Just keep it to 10-15% of their food intake. And of course, if you are not letting them free range, I'd recommend handfuls fo grass and dandelions each day. I guess my birds eat a large handful of weeds and grasses each, each day. I leave a mound for my roosters who do not get to free range( well, only on Mondays) and its always gone in an hour or less.
Two of my four chickens won’t eat earthworms! Isn’t that a classic chicken fav? They act very squeamish when I present a wiggling worm to them.. and the other two eventually swoop in and save them from the icky, slimy thing!

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