What WON'T your chickens eat?

It depends what you eat. If you eat fish sticks and frozen pizza ...then I agree, but if you are eating healthy - then your compost bin is excellent variety of vitamins and nutrients for them. Fruits, veggies, berries, cooked meat scraps, soggy cereals, milk, brown rice, ends of your celery/ lettuce bottoms, dinner scraps. YUM!!! They will go nuts for it. Just keep it to 10-15% of their food intake. And of course, if you are not letting them free range, I'd recommend handfuls fo grass and dandelions each day. I guess my birds eat a large handful of weeds and grasses each, each day. I leave a mound for my roosters who do not get to free range( well, only on Mondays) and its always gone in an hour or less.
They do free range a couple of hours each day. I’ll say 80% of what I give them is healthy, my husband on the other hand slips them French fries or some other bad food. But mostly I’m in charge of their food. I’m glad you pointed out the 10-15% of food intake. I didn’t really Pat attention and now I will
It depends what you eat. If you eat fish sticks and frozen pizza ...then I agree, but if you are eating healthy - then your compost bin is excellent variety of vitamins and nutrients for them. Fruits, veggies, berries, cooked meat scraps, soggy cereals, milk, brown rice, ends of your celery/ lettuce bottoms, dinner scraps. YUM!!! They will go nuts for it. Just keep it to 10-15% of their food intake. And of course, if you are not letting them free range, I'd recommend handfuls fo grass and dandelions each day. I guess my birds eat a large handful of weeds and grasses each, each day. I leave a mound for my roosters who do not get to free range( well, only on Mondays) and its always gone in an hour or less.

My chickens ate compost for years, then i discovered that Salt and oil are dangerous for them and stopped, but i think it is True that it was a good supplement...
Our previous chickens ate anything and everything providing it was in their bowls - now that's trust !
We now have 3 from a breeder and 3wks ago rescued 2 from a (battery) farmer, however all 5 are really very fussy and the usual boiled chopped up veg peelings and leftovers are sifted through by them and they'll eat potato, carrot & parsnip peelings but not cauliflower leaves & stalks ??
Diced apple was a favourite with previous hens but these leave it - tried puree and they gobble it !! That's not us spoiling them but them exercising preferences lol.
All are different, all have characters as we know !!
Ours will eat almost anything but really love a couple of my wife's favorites from the garden, Kale and Swiss Chard. Our girls are just six months old so a lot of things are still new to them and it's fun to watch them examine something new like a slug.
My older hens hate carrots. They won't touch them. Luckily, my younger chicks love them.
My chickens also hate banana. I always get a bunch of death glares when I bring banana to them.
My older hens also don't like pumpkin. I haven't fed any to my younger chicks yet, so I don't know how they feel about it.

Update: I brought some squash innards out to my chickens. The older girls reacted as expected (complete and utter disgust), and two of my four chicks hated it too. Only my cochin bantam pullet, and my EE cockerel liked the squash.
You must have picky chickens! Mine won't eat unmashed beans or sweet potatoes.
Ha! Picky is an understatement! :rolleyes:
My 2 BO's and 2SLW love blueberries. I had to stop feeding them blues as they got extreme diarrhea.

My birds won't eat anything mushy.
NO cooked oatmeal warm or cold
No scrambled eggs either they can't stand anything on their beaks
No mashed anything.
NO bananas peels or otherwise.
They will eat the strawberry hulls.
Love love love purple grapes labor intensive for me as I cut them up small.
They also like liver and carrots boiled about 15 minutes.
No lettuce no cabbage etc.
They also love gizzards, and hearts. I like to get gizzards.hearts and liver all together but can't always find it. Good protein.

They won't eat crumbles either.

I also have peck toys that I fill with dried mealworms. And I put scratch and mealworms layered in their daily feed.

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