what would be a good price for my silver phoenix bantams??????????????


9 Years
Sep 18, 2010
woodsfield ohio
im considering selling them and i was wondering what everyone thinks would be a good asking price. if youre interested btw PM me.

Rooster: he has some of his top tail feathers because he was bleeding somehow and he other hens kept picking at it till they came out.












Hen: she was molting in almost all these pics except when her tail is pointed in one of the last pics. her tail usually is nice and long also.







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Bantam phoenix are one of my specialties. Price depends on a lot of things.
Whos line are they from?
How small are they, smaller the better?
How old are they?
How long has the rooster gone between moltings? If over 2 years, that's a big plus, mine are coming 2 now and still in original blood feathers.
By the way, that's why he was bleeding, a blood feather got pulled or broken. If you see that again, you need to catch him and pull the broken quil base out, he'll instantly stop. If not and a lot get broken, they can actually bleed out threw them.

Prices vary depending on all this kind of stuff from $25 a pr to over $100 a pair.

They look pretty good, not perfect, but nice for sure. Saddles are pretty thin, and a touch off color on the back. Comb is nice and erect, not floppy (another plus) Legs are the right color, but very pale, etc

Without knowing any of the info about, you should still get $50 easily just from the pics
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I got them in March at an Exotic Animal and Bird Sale. Im quite sad I dont know what lines they are from. I bought them for $25.
He had little spur nubs so I am going to say they are about a year and a half. The rooster is about as big as an Easter Egger hen. I have nothing else to compare to but that. I dont think there super small but theyre not huge either. In the 7th and 8th picture thats how long his tail has ever been. Im going to say at least 3-4 feet. is you were to stretch the feather out all the way from where it comes out of the bird to the tip of it im going to say yes 3-4 feet. He has a very nice tail. Im quite sad he lost some feathers. Will he ever grow them back?
oh yes they grow back every molt, just takes a while as they only molt once every few years. At that age, they actually havent even started their adult tail feathers yet any way. It is usually after their second year that you will see their full potential.. They are a little large for bantams, my roos are only 10-12 inches tall, hens 10 tops.
I'd still stick with at least $50 for them based off this info, you got them at a heck of a price too!

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