
In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2019
North Carolina
I recently bought a new male at the beginning of breeding season. I was told he was an IB split to Purple WE Peacock. (picture attached) But he has a White Primary Flight feather on both sides, and it is just the one front feather. Because of this i was told he could be a IB Pied Split to purple WE. is that correct?

I hatched eggs from him and my BS, but the females came out Pied, while the boys look just like the father, with the one white feather. Could the girls be Purple Pied WE. or would i call all of these IBBS Split to purple WE. And i understand that girls do not carry splits, correct?

And so i was also Told that my girl BS may be Split to white?

I am just trying to make sure that when people ask me what color i am selling, that i tell them correctly.
Please Help.


Most WE have white flights and a throat patch. I would call your cock an India Blue White Eye. Since he only has a few white eyes he is a single factor meaning that he only has one copy of the WE gene. I don't see any Purple chicks so he may still be split to Purple, you will have to watch for Purple chicks to know for sure if he is split to Purple. He is most likely NOT split to BS or you would have gotten some BS chicks. Your BS hen must be carrying a white gene of some type most likely Pied. By the looks of the grayish look of one of the chicks she could be WE also as a chick that is showing that much gray is surely WE and may carry two copies.
Most WE have white flights and a throat patch. I would call your cock an India Blue White Eye. Since he only has a few white eyes he is a single factor meaning that he only has one copy of the WE gene. I don't see any Purple chicks so he may still be split to Purple, you will have to watch for Purple chicks to know for sure if he is split to Purple. He is most likely NOT split to BS or you would have gotten some BS chicks. Your BS hen must be carrying a white gene of some type most likely Pied. By the looks of the grayish look of one of the chicks she could be WE also as a chick that is showing that much gray is surely WE and may carry two copies.

Would the Chicks be titled BS at all since their mother was? Like IBBS WE for the boys
and IBBS Pied WE for the girls?

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