What would you do if this happened to you?

I would definitely report the incident to the police. Whether he is missing from someplace, homeless, dangerous or not. . .

I think you handled your encounter with him very well. It's hard to think on your feet when you are surprised and feeling a bit scared.
No I wouldn't loose my life over any property...I literally thought he was endangering the babies by holding them too tight like a child would! I'm definitely getting a peep hole and then a fog horn speaker,...I need one of those anyway!
I understand where you are coming from, but I could never live like that. I am not naive and not foolish. I use my senses - all six of them when assessing "unknowns" but I refuse to live like every single person on the planet is a threat to me. I would have been scared in bargain's shoes and would probably do as she did. And I would call the police now to see if he was missing as much as to report him as a trespasser......

Nothing against spookwriter or the advice, I just can't live on the paranoid side all of the time. Too tiring, too sad.
This is why I think he followed her from the farmer's market.

And I agree, "stuff" including chickens are not worth shooting anyone over yet, but it sounds like he was a threat to YOU. Just using the chickens as an excuse to get you within grabbing range.
911....I soooooo think so. My dad had dementia and had what was known as sundowners. At sundown he would really just loose ALL reallity. He was NEVER able to climb over a locked gate, but would have seen it at some sort of structure and felt over it. I know all kinds of people have all kinds of behaviors of dementia, but leaving as he did meant he knew he was wrong. He does need help but unless you are schooled and have the proper facilities you can't help him and he needs to be found.
We were all sitting on the front porch one day in the cool morning. I have my three babies and my two tweenage neices and it was such a nice morning. We live on a dirt road, and this truck pulls up, stops and a youngish man got out. The drivers side was away from the house but I could tell he didn't have on a shirt. He leaned against his truck and said "Hey, Really nice today isn't it." We said yes.....My DH knows EVERYONE and most of them think I know them too. (WELL I don't) So he starts to come around the truck......and he naked as he was born!ARKKK. Someone the day before had dropped out a little shepard mix and she was sitting with us, and she takes out after this guy while he is standing in the yard doing you know what.
My neices grab the kids and into the house they go and I have the phone calling 911. Well this dog chases this guy around his truck two times before he finally gets into it. I was still crying when the patrolman pulled up. He thought I was upset, untill I told him the story between fits of laughter. I was kind of in shock but the picture of this naked guy running and this dog nipping at his butt would just send me over the hill.
Moral......The man knew better....Had to have mental problems to do such a thing..........AND you have to have help to if it happens. I have a gas pellet gun now but if the person is truly insane it won't help but he won't kill me with my own gun. I really don't think I could kill someone....don't know.
I think my angel sent me the dog.....she was very old and passed about a month later. But she had her time in glory.
As times get harder there are going to be more of these things happening. I don't hand out money but I will hand out food. I couldn't have done it with him on my back porch. I would have been SOOOOOO scared.
. I think your angel was with you also.
I don't know what I would have did in your shoes. It is so hard to be nice now. You just never know anymore who you are dealing with. But I would definitely be careful if this man got in your fence. That means someone else can too?
Sundowning - actually most neurological disorders involve some amount of sundowning.

No one has ever really been able to explain fully why, but a good many neurological diseases worsen at night.

It's been suggested that less structure and routine in the evening is the cause, but there is no complete agreement as to why it happens....and...even at the nursing home where there was a lot of routine and structure in the evenings, it happened.
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Described him to authorities, No one reported missing.... No, I just now have a strong intuition he is missing. I will try to see if there are any Matty reports (our states's way of publishing missing persons for the public to look for. ) I pray he finds his way to a safe shelter... Although I have some basic traininng in gerontology I'm not a clinician or a doctor, so I believe I've done all I can but to keep alerting folks that might be looking...Thank you all for your input.....Well, I'm glad I'm okay and my husband and the farm is beginning to slow down a bit...Thanks to all for sharing your thoughts and ideas....Life is never boring, is it? Love, and hugs and prayers to all....Farmer Nancy

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