what would you do if.....


14 Years
Oct 8, 2009
northeast corner al
your spouse wanted you to get rid of all your pet, especially your dogs, and move you all to a different state. my husband hates my dogs, likes the cats, tolerates the chickens. to my knowledge the dogs have never done anything to him. to me it would be like trying to give up my family. i have only lived 3 months without any pets in my whole entire 30 years.
i would
Has he explained why he wants to do it? Maybe if you really understood it would make it easier for you if you really, really HAD to do it. I can't imagine my life without pets, especially my dogs. And my ex hated my dogs and resented them, so I understand. It drove an irreversable wedge between us. Good luck!!
he says they are worthless. exspecial my toy rat terrier, because all she does is eat, sleep, and poop. he says i spend too much time with them, when i could be cleaning house or working on somrthing constructive..
I've seen women choose pets over men and they are lonely now.

If my wife asked me to give up the chickens, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I love my chickens, but I love her more.

Who do you love the most? Your pets or your husband?
I would not want to get rid of the pets. I would apologize and make an effort to do a lot around the home in hopes that that would be enough.If it wasn't then we would have a lot to work on and decide in our relationship.In the end though I too would pick my spouse over pets.

Some people really dislike living with animals,and if it is not something a couple can work through then both should move on.You don't want to be unhappy and should not expect him to be. Just sit down and talk about it. He wants more attention,more cleaning,more *work* done around the home. If those things are done will he really be happy,or will he still resent your pets? Is it really about the dog,or is it your relationship? So many things to talk about.Life is so short.Neither of you should tolerate situations you dislike.Best wishes whatever you both decide.

I see on tv how some really do put pets first.Even kicking a spouse out of bed for the pet,or tolerating a peed up or chewed up home.
I think if he really cared, he would realize that for even one reason alone, that YOU love the pets, they are not worthless.
I love my wife more than my pets too, but if she ever proposed that as an ultimatum, she could go! If I went along with something like that, I would resent her for it, and that is no way to live.

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