what would you do if.....

gotta get a reason. Is it that you can't have pets where you are moving to? Does he resent the dogs because he feels you love them more than him? Are you giving the animals all the lovin' and none left for him? Write out your reasons for keeping all the critters. Perhaps you can talk it out(not fight it out). Make a compromise or make a decision...animals or man.
This was what I was wondering. For me, a lot would depend on WHY??? "I don't like them" is not good enough for me, since I came with animals; that would make me think it's a control issue. On the other hand, if it's a case of the house and property being destroyed because I'm not handling things on my end, allergies, etc., then I'd have to consider it. I'm big on making "pros vs cons" list for important decisions.
How many pets are we talking about, here? And why do you have to get rid of them if you move?

You say your husband wouldn't do anything to hurt you, but it sounds like having to part with all your pets would do just that. Is there more to this?
My hubby pulled that stunt a few years back... I told him the dog was here before you, and the dog will be here after your gone. Take your pick.! It shut him up.
Well, is an animal really more important than your husband? Lord, I can't imagine even thinking about leaving somebody because they wanted me to get rid of any or even all of my animals, and I can't ever remember a time when I didn't have critters. But that's just me, you have to think if a dog is more important or your husband is more important.
Honestly, if someone asked me to get rid of all of my animals...that would kill the relationship right there. Animals are my life. However, if the person I have a relationship with or marry has medical issues with the animals, or something else very serious like that, I would definitely make other arrangements to deal with it. Animals are not more important that people or their needs, but animals ARE my need...and others have to respect that.

Now of course this is the way I feel and your situation might be different. People companionship is important, but if your life will be miserable without your animals, even if you are with the one you love, that doesn't seem like very much of a life to me.

My advice? Talk to your husband one on one. Find out what the real issues are and see if there is something you can do about it. Then work from there.
Yes, but you probably love her so much that you would never make her get rid of a pet she loved. I would also assume that she loves you enough to never ask you to give up a beloved pet. When you really love someone, you don't ask them to give up a pet to prove your love. I would take it as a red flag.
I am sorry but for him to TELL you uits me or the animals I personally wouldnt want to be married to him .. There is no way I would stay with someone who gave me an ultimatum.. Obviously your feelings in this arent his concern... I would hand jhim his car keys and wish him a happy life..
I wouldnt get rid of the pets. Also, he should care that it will hurt you to get rid of them...
So..my opinion is..if he doesent care that it will greatly hurt you to get rid of the animals..then hes not worth very much in my opinion.
Sorry your hubby is being a heartless, selfish jerk..

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