Whatever happened to truth in advertising???

It looks like their whole budget went to pay someone who knew how to use Photoshop! Sorry this happened to you.
LOL I am sorry but I just had the same problem I bought a wale pool too , without the slide but witha built in sprinkler. it showed 3 kids around 6 years old looking sitting happly up to there waist in water , I blow it up and its like the one you ahve TINY TINY TINY its litterly about 2 inches deep at the max fill line.
the kids were dissapointed to say the lest.
Take it back to the store and pitch a total fit. Stores WILL STOP DOING BUSINESS with companies that cause them to have too many returns.
I have full intentions of taking it back soon, just havn't gotten around to doing it yet. It's just sitting in our garage right now, waiting.

I hate making returns...
I always feel bad bringing something back that I wanted! I do have a good reason for bringing it back though.
Dont get the big slides they sell either. Someone I know did and they POP easy..not to mention they are SMALL

Looks like youre missing about 1/2 of what you paid for!

If you look close enough its not even the same wale. You didnt get what was on the box
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