What's for lunch?

Yeah I'm on a diet as well, its called "the EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT" diet
I'm loving it, it really fits my style
Lol, I'm not on a diet, you goofball. I'm just a freak about food.
I remember my dad telling me when he was late teens/early 20s he couldn't gain weight either. That changes when you start aging.
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Fine, fine, I'll fess up. It was a free for all type lunch so I had my coffee, a bunch of Doritos, and a kombucha. 😬
Hey, you had my lunch! :lau As I stated in a previous post in this thread. Food is food. Screw the "traditional" food eaten at certain times of day. Today, I am going to have my coffee, eat dill pickle flavored chips and maybe even some chocolate covered popcorn for lunch and not feel one bit of shame.
Lol, I'm not on a diet, you goofball. I'm just a freak about food; I probably border on orthorexic.
I remember my dad telling me when he was late teens/early 20s he couldn't gain weight either. That changes when you start aging.
It is good to eat healthy and eat less processed foods. I eat 100% organic and kosher but I have a major sweet tooth. Though I do enjoy fresh veggies and a plain salad (no dressing.. I know that is a shock to the majority of you, lol)

I know.. I have reached that point in my life.
Well, I have good use for it at least, I'm training to go bow hunting this fall and I already won 3rd in men's Idaho state arm wrestling championships
Awesome! It takes a good amount of muscle to pull back those compound bows. Back of my mind I knew there were arm wrestling championships but its odd to see that in writing. Not making fun of you because I can't arm wrestle worth a darn.
It is good to eat healthy and eat less processed foods. I eat 100% organic and kosher but I have a major sweet tooth. Though I do enjoy fresh veggies and a plain salad (no dressing.. I know that is a shock to the majority of you, lol)

I know.. I have reached that point in my life.
What do you consider ''eating kosher" per say?

I do agree about the processed foods part. I'm not what you call a "health freak" but the majority of my meals is veggies
It is good to eat healthy and eat less processed foods. I eat 100% organic and kosher but I have a major sweet tooth.
Oh boy, I used to have a major sweet tooth. It was really, really bad. Once I started cooking 95% of our food it lessened so much. I still like sweet food but I don't crave it like I used to.
Awesome! It takes a good amount of muscle to pull back those compound bows. Back of my mind I knew there were arm wrestling championships but its odd to see that in writing. Not making fun of you because I can't arm wrestle worth a darn.
Yeah, I'm trying to pull for 70 lbs, it takes a.lot of punch to knock down those 1000+ lb elk we have around here

And most people think arm wrestling is just pushing the opponents hand to the table but there is a lot of technique involved, that's why I'm able to beat people 2 times my size most of the time

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