What's so special about Silkies? [got them!]

I love silkes but I love all chickens, the silkies are unique, they are soo laid back and the males usually get along, they are not as territorial as some breeds. I hatched a baby from my white OEGB girl, named Tofutti and my white silkie Georgie and I have the most loveable out going little boy, he is just fantastic.. Not sure what he will look like but I love him. Anyways, back to the subject, to each there own but a good silkie is as beautiful as it gets in my eyes.. I do not HaTe anything..
Okay, so I've decided to do it. All because I was talking about them to my boyfriend and he said, "Those are so cool looking!"

Since he wants one, I called the store to see if they even still had chicks, which they do.
So, maybe tomorrow...I'm gonna be a Silkie owner.

The man told me that they would be in the assorted bantam bin, and that he didn't know if there were any in there, but if I didn't find one, that they'd special order one for me. Just one.

I've always been told that I'd have to buy 25 if I special ordered chicks from the place, and I told him that I just wanted one, not twenty-five.
So he told me that they're not really busy, so they could just order one for me if I'd like.

Oh my, here we go.
It better be a good broody.

ETA: Are there any tips on how to make sure I get a pullet? They're going to be straight run, and I'm only getting one.
And is there anything special I need to do with the chick since I'm only getting one?
I've always gotten at least four..
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Congratulations! I have always found that some of the roosters can be identified as chicks when they look at you in a challenging way. So the ones that come up to you and make eye contact- I'd avoid those.

You can put a mirror in the brooder and a stuffed animal or feather duster for it to snuggle with.

To address the original question: I love silkies because they are so polite to each other. They don't push each other out of the way to get in the coop. "No, you first- no, you first!"

They are so laid back and docile. Breeder silkies tend to be more docile than hatchery silkies, though, I have found.

They hardly poo at all compared to my large fowl and even some bantams! In the coop at night I mean.

They snuggle with each other.
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Congratulations! I have always found that some of the roosters can be identified as chicks when they look at you in a challenging way. So the ones that come up to you and make eye contact- I'd avoid those.

You can put a mirror in the brooder and a stuffed animal or feather duster for it to snuggle with.

To address the original question: I love silkies because they are so polite to each other. They don't push each other out of the way to get in the coop. "No, you first- no, you first!"

They are so laid back and docile. Breeder silkies tend to be more docile than hatchery silkies, though, I have found.

They hardly poo at all compared to my large fowl and even some bantams! In the coop at night I mean.

They snuggle with each other.

I saw somewhere that if you feel their foreheads, boys will have a little bump.

I can't remember where I saw that at though.

What kind of stuffed animal? Like a teddy bear, or does it need something more fluffy?
What about the CD? I've seen people put them in with chicks before. What do they do?
I honestly cannot say that Silkies are my favorite breed. I don't love them. But I like them. They're calmer than alot of the other birds and when I show them, I can get feedback undoubtably because the 'Silkie Network' is so large. People compare them to dogs, however mine remind me more of cats because they don't usually come right up to me and I must 'appeal to their better nature' to grasp their attention (food, scratch in a certain place, etc). Mine are oftentimes more reserved than social. And sometimes when I have a bad day, I can just come home and snuggle one and they make me feel better. I cannot say that for many of my layer hens...



But they are an acquired taste. Many people have no interest in a chicken if it doesn't 'look like a chicken'.

I would suggest getting more than one chick, because chickens are so sociable...No way to tell gender than young.
I hope the one I get is really social.

And I'm only getting one. I know that they usually do better with another chick, but I'm only getting one. I already have more chickens than legally allowed, but we want a Silkie.
I'm getting rid of two, maybe three cockerels (one we're still not sure is a boy), and getting the one Silkie to replace them. That'll bring my total from 13 to either 11 or 12, depending on how many we get rid of.
Our legal limit is eight hens, so we're not pushing it by much, but we're still pushing our luck.
I love this
especially #3
We just got ours on Friday, but per my daughters request... because they are "cute"...
Wish I could use #3 as a reason, but we live on a farm....

The body of those are very pretty. The face...not so much.

And yes, I went to pick one up today but there weren't any.
The guy told me that they would special order me one, and I noticed that a sign said they'd be straight run, so I asked if I could pay more to make sure I got a hen.
He said he'd have to ask his boss, so he took my name and number and she's going to call me about it when she works next. He thinks it's tomorrow.
the only silky i've ever met is MEAN! my aunt has to sequester him away if any children visit.
he is a rescue, so maybe he didn't have the best start with people.

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